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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2010 in Posts

  1. i agree. on the phone its easy for them to say no. if you go and talk to them then it forces them to do something
    2 points
  2. Exactly. I'm competetive and a girl did me on the court once and I was like yeah i want some more of that. If they talk trash while they doing they thing it makes it fun as well. My thing is don't hold back if you are a girl. I do not really like those girls that say hunny I cant get the box off the top shelf can you get it. I'm not really a pamper type of guy I guess you could say.
    1 point
  3. Texas would have lost by more with McColt playing, nice try lmao.
    1 point
  4. Ok then when I asked you should have said the first one. How many sets and reps you want to do is entirely up to you and what you feel comfortable doing depending on the exercise. Chest: Flat barbell bench Incline barbell bench Incline dumbbell flies Cable Crossovers (top and bottom) Include some machines if you want at the end. (Bench and flies are the main exercises for your chest) Note: For your own self, you can include wide grip bench after your flat or a burnout for endurance. Back: Barbell rows Deadlifts (What I start my back workouts with always) Other good workouts: Lat pulldowns 1 arm dumbbell rows T-bar rows Seated Pulley rows Reverse flies (for rear delts, technically part of shoulders) Heres other body parts, just giving you exercises so you always have something to do... Biceps: Curls, curls, curls. (yes, boring) Barbell curls Dumbbell curls Incline dumbbell curls Hammer curls Barbell Preacher curls Bicep curl machines if you like. Triceps Bench dips Dips Seated tricep extensions Skull crushers Tricep pushdowns Rope extensions Tricep machines.. Shoulders: Military press Standing Military Press Behind the head military press Lateral raises Side lateral raises Arnold shoulder press (Include traps exercises during your shoulder workout) Legs: Squats Lunges (two best leg workouts) Several machines as well for legs.
    1 point
  5. Let's see... run one mile on Monday then wait 2-3 weeks and repeat. Hope this helps!
    1 point
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