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Mike Hawk

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Status Updates posted by Mike Hawk

  1. Whats up cuz. Remember that time I thought you were a guy? Did you ever meet Armin since both of you live in IOWA?

  2. Whats up Cuz. You shoudl go Pee on Cannon beach no joke. Its like the top of the world feeling.

  3. Ur right htats not enough for a genius thread like that. I deserve way mroe so get to working. And big ups to BigBird my [expletive]a.

  4. LOL Only if I get 50 more Rep Points?

  5. Aight I will give yo umy max for tonight.

  6. LOL, u still owe me like 4 PTS, get to workin.

  7. Where is my Rep Points, U slackin Smalls?

  8. Man I thought we had a Deal U realy slackin, Ur still missing like 4 points?

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