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Posts posted by htown11

  1. I don't think I grasp your logic on most of these grades. Kyle Lowry at a C- after a brilliant year in which he broke out into a legit starter???


    No logical way D-Mo can have a higher grade. The guy has not played a single game you don't even know what your going to get out of him, he could be a huge bust. Potential does not justify a higher grade, performance does, and D-Mo has yet to perform.


    Same with Flynn.... putting him at the same level as Kyle make no sense Flynn had a decent rookie year and a horrid past season. He's the third stringer on this team the Rockets don't even want the guy.


    I'm a Twill fan I really do want to see him get out on the court and make plays because we know he can, but giving him a B is overly generous imo even though his situation is unique because he got thrown in the doghouse as opposed to just sucking. I'm pro T Will I like that athleticism/play-making ability type player something the Rockets haven't really had since a healthy Tmac.


    Also Chuck Hayes at a D is just criminal! Look I know this guy is not a starter and I know he's 6'6 but he defies logic on the defensive end and not trying to say much about his offensive game but give him some props on fixing that free throw and learning how to finish around the rim. I hope the Rockets bring him back along with a legit starter like DeAndre or Gasol in free agency.


    The only way the Rockets will prove to fans that they are heading in the right direction is if they throw money at Gasol, other than that we will be going through the motions yet again in an endless cycle that will lead to the 8th seed or the 14th pick. You have to make a statement or you have to blow it up but the fans can't sit in the middle much longer. Morey admitted trying to rebuild while staying decent has never really worked, yet Les wants to do that..... it's the bosses call, but history shows it's not a smart one.


    The ones I do agree with you on is Budinger (although I give him a C) who clearly is not starting material, Jordan Hill who has no passion for the game, and Thabeet who seems like the definition of bust.


    Anyway if the Rockets don't pickup a center in free agency I have a hard time believing next season will be any different, quite possibly worst. Who knows.... the bigger obstacle is the lockout.

    • Like 1
  2. You know for me Shutter Island was somewhat of a letdown. I don't entirely blame the movie for that but I set the bar way to high and came out of that movie thinking ya it was good but I was looking for great.


    When you have any Scorsese movie being released you have the highest expectations on the planet because of his past work the bar is obviously set at a standard most directors can't touch IMO and in Shutter Island I felt like it was good but not great. I think many others felt that way as well, ranging from critics to fans in general. I know some people don't value what critics say because in some twisted way they think the critic is trying to tell them what to do lol but I do value what movie critics say because they significantly have a rich movie background, and I trust there expertise. I don't always agree but I do take it into consideration when watching a movie. Movie tickets are no longer cheap these days and I am just picky about what I watch lol.


    As far as new Scorsese goes I put The Departed and Aviator far above Shutter Island but like Oliver said it's a matter of taste.


    It's not the easiest thing in the world to separate favorite movie from just individual performance because some movies just have great casts and great plots. I know a lot of times when I describe a movie I take it as a complete package and not just one specific role, so I can understand the challenge of just ignoring the external aspects and just focusing on the actor or actress alone.

  3. Well this is our next actor up for the week. I was really surprised to see barely any response in the Nicholson thread that guy is like movie god to me lol. Leo is a very popular guy for this generation I am hoping we see more people post there top 5 he's one of my favorite actors for sure.


    1. http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/lebronze23/catchme.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlvE3CbMnLE


    I recently watched Catch Me If You Can for a second time and enjoyed it even more than the first. I think Leo just acts his butt off in that movie and proves why he's so versatile in all the different professions he cons himself into throughout the movie. Him and Tom Hanks on the same screen was epic.


    2. http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/lebronze23/departed.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3d4mHZMtCGg


    Have to have it high on my list. Again with all the great actors in this film Leo really hold his own on the screen. No wonder Scorsese loves working with him, he plays the main role with ease in all his films.


    3. http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/lebronze23/aviator.jpg


    Love this movie and once again Scorsese and Leo duo shine. It's a great story about Howard Hughes the aviation guru and the cast is solid. I personally think it was one of Leo's most demanding roles and it's roles like these that put him in the A+ acting category. You know down the line when you look back on some movies you're going to remember this role.


    4. http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/lebronze23/incep.jpg


    I know some people didn't really enjoy the movie that much but I thought it was a modern masterpiece. I'm not a big sci-fi fan but the way they mixed that with action and suspense it was a really cool way to incorporate all this new technology the movies have to offer. Again Leo was great in it and JGL complemented him well.


    5. http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/lebronze23/titanic.jpg


    Ok so we had the most embarrassing shows you watch thread on here right? Well maybe this is embarrassing to admit but I don't care. This mass production of movie making took Leo to another level. So if nothing the epic impact of this movie just sky rocketed his already popular career. I think when you make a movie that big it takes legit acting chops and patience and it seems like Leo had that all. It's just a big powerful movie, and whenever they play it on TV I find myself watching bits and pieces of it. Finch knows what i'm saying.

  4. Love his confidence. Morris might have been the top pick but Motiejunas stole the show in the press conference.


    Lol ya he was cocky but it was a fun press conference. I downloaded some updated roster with the rooks on 2k11 with D Mo and Morris, I swear we are the worst defensive team in the game but we are also an offensive juggernaut haha.


    ECN = DBF

    DBF = ECN


    Why? How? I don't get it....

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfKyHvaAZxA




    The flight attendants union may file a workplace discrimination complaint after a recording of a pilot spewing homophobic and offensive comments went viral on the internet.


    The unidentified pilot was suspended by Southwest Airlines after the March 24 incident, in which he accidentally left his mic open and blasted new flight attendants for not meeting his dating standards.


    "Eleven over-the-top ass homosexuals and a granny," the pilot said as he complained to his co-pilot, according to the recording, first obtained by a Houston television station on Tuesday.


    The pilot was suspended and underwent diversity training, but faced no further action because it was a private conversation in the cockpit, Southwest told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.


    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2011/06/23/2011-06-23_southwest_airlines_pilot_called_coworkers_grannies_and_grenades_in_2minute_tirad.html#ixzz1Q8x8tZEu

  6. how would you feel if a relative or close friend was severely injured or killed because a drunk driver crashed into them? Thankfully he didn't crash into anyone else but a drunk driver going over 130 mph is basically just a missle that can potentially kill anyone else on the highway. It ' s an incredibly selfish

    thing to do and it shows that he didn't give

    a shit about anyone else on the highway

    that night so I don ' t give a [expletive] about him.

    If he survived the crash he'd be going

    away to prison for a long time . He doesn' t

    deserve any respect . If it was an average Joe people would be saying good riddance. I feel sorry for his friends and family, but that's it.


    Through ECN's bluntness on the topic lol I do have to agree with him. It was an irresponsible thing he did, and I know sympathy is part of the situation but this happens to people every single day. "Drink responsibly" on the marketing commercials and such is not just a formality it's the truth. He could have done even more damage to other innocent people because of his irresponsibility.


    IMO I think I have a lot less sympathy for the guy because I don't really know who he is, he does "risky" things on a show called Jackass which again IMO I don't get the fad seems absolutely dumb to me, so I don't envision that bunch as to bright. They flirt with risk on a daily basis for money, fame whatever it's how they make a living this just seems like the cat ran out of lives.

  7. Anybody who didn't know what he was saying should gtfo <_<


    +1 on that fish



    They don't? :huh:


    It's not the easiest list to come up with lol. But I don't watch much baseball either... first guy I think off is Tori Hunter because he was snagging home runs away back when I used to watch.

  8. The San Antonio Spurs are engaged in discussions about trading point guard Tony Parke to secure a high pick in Thursday’s draft, league sources told Yahoo! Sports.


    The Spurs have talked to teams in the lottery, including the Toronto Raptors and Sacramento Kings, who hold the fifth and seventh picks, respectively. The Kings are determined to get a frontline point guard, and have also talked with the Denver Nuggets about Raymond Felton.


    It’s unclear who the Spurs would prefer to take if they acquired a high lottery pick.


    If the Spurs were to trade Parker, George Hill could become their starting point guard. League sources said Hill also has drawn trade interest from teams willing to give the Spurs a pick near the back end of the lottery.


    Parker didn’t play well early in the Spurs’ first-round loss to the eighth-seeded Memphis Grizzlies in May then later told French reporters he thought the franchise’s days of contending for a title had all but ended.


    Interesting, they are pretty young at the guard position now.



  9. Roger Ebert (@ebertchicago)

    6/20/11 1:07 PM

    Friends don't let jackasses drink and drive.


    Probably too soon for that Tweet but I agree with him... I don't really know who this guy is but from the outside looking in (not being a fan of Jackass) seems like a jackass decision by him and his "friends."


    Life lost I hate to sound like it means nothing but I find it hard to sympathize with. I don't know how drunk the guy was but after seeing that pic... Wow that is a Porsche with top speeds of 190 crushed and charred too bits of nothing, disturbing to see.

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