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Posts posted by ImOnFire15

  1. Oh yeah I definitely agree with you, but let's remember, Blatche isn't exactly the smartest player in the league. When watching the Wizards, you gotta realize two things:


    - A lot of ill-advised shots.

    - Inexperience


    There's no flow to this offense, this is why we need Gil, and this is why we need to keep him. People don't realize what he brings to the table. His offense will be key to the growth of Wall. Otherwise he will have a frustrating year with a very low statistical output.

    You're Wizards suck. Wall ain't winning ROY.

  2. lol and your acting like a bigger clown bringing [expletive] up that no one cares about, just leave it. Stick around get to know everyone here and then you will figure [expletive] out.

    How cute, sticking up for your brother. lulz

  3. haha that was a rumor that was created to get people to join the league, no one was literally paid he is to poor to do that lol.


    EDIT: I had completely forgotten about that [expletive], +1 to the fish.

    I wouldn't be surprised if he did. What a loser. So desperate to get credit, he needs someone to lie for him.

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