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Posts posted by Jckund

  1. It's really all about talent though. Now, the chances of your star college player staying more than two years is gotta be less than 25 percent.


    No, I agree, but the attitude problems bother me too... Flynn was a great player who made the right choice, but I REALLY wasn't a fan of Harris or Devendorf. They gave the team sort of a dirty reputation (Devendorf puching his girlfriend) and then always arguing with Jimmy B. I liked this team more back when Melo, GMac, and Warrick were playing. And apparently, Dion Waiters has some big attitude problems too... he will get right up in his teammate's face when he does something wrong. Not a good way to bring an image for a team.

  2. I am honestly REALLY surprised that nobody else has said stoning... it could be one of the worst slow and painful deaths in history... I mean falling from a cliff is at least instant (in most cases). Drowning can be ugly, but your mind generally wanders at some point there and it isn't ongoing. Burning would be pretty terrible, but I doubt that it was as practiced/common as stoning.

  3. Soulja Boy probably has very little money to be honest. Most of the stuff in his music videos are loaned to him for the video only (as is the case with most rapeprs). And whatever money he has gotten has probably already been spent on a house, car, clothes, drugs, or whatever else he buys. This is the same problem that most NBA players and guys who go from rags to riches and don't know how to handle money experience.

  4. Yeah, I was hesitating at first, but I wrote the five required articles. There's a lot of competition for the Raiders spot, but I made the first cut. I'm trying not to have my hopes up, but we'll see. :D


    Do you have a Bleacher Report account?


    Yeah I used to write there a lot for college basketball a few months back...

  5. You don't, but there was a contest for each NFL team to have a beat writer for Bleacher Report/CBS. They give you 400 bucks a week and a company blackberry. I hope I get the job, they should announce the winners soon.


    Good luck man... That's one hell of an opportunity, especially if you are planning on becoming a journalist/writer.

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