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Posts posted by SRV

  1. I am sure Wade's life goal was to injure as many people in the NBA as possible. Also, if you are even going to try to tell me Rondo isn't a little bitch himse, then we shouldn't continue this blind homer conversation. Sure, he broke Kobe's nose, kicked Sessions in the nuts, and maybe something else...but that just shows he is clumsy as [expletive]. No one goes out there trying to hurt people.

  2. A few things I would like to point out


    1. The leg flail was porbably intentional.

    2. That was barely classified as a kick

    3. Sessions has no balls because he got up 5 seconds after he fell down. If someone kicks you in the nuts, you are not going to get up 5 seconds later, and talk to the guy without even checking to see if your nuts are still there. Making me think that was not nearly as painful as everyone is making it out to be.

  3. I doubt Lebron will win it this year...he seems content with cruising to 25ppg, 7 rpg, 6 apg. That's not a bad stat line, but Durant will probably end up with some ridiculous scoring average and wins. Plus, Lebron has already won 3 times, I am sure the people who decided this will want to give someone else a chance.

  4. I kid you not, I knew nothing about the book coming in....during the first hour, I was convinced I was going to sit through a 3 hour movie of people talking, and that all the hardcore LOTR fans just love people talking and stuff. Thankfully it picked up and got interesting. I watched it in 3D and 48 frames, and it looked terrible at first, but you get used to it.

  5. The dunk contest sucks lately because its too many gimmicks and props. Sure, guys like Lebron and Durant won't be super flashy, but it would get so much attention and hype, that anything they do would be amazing.


    I think Lebron recently said he would never do it though, so that idea is out the window. I think people got on his back too much to the point where he is no fun anymore, just business lol

  6. Pretty un impressive if you ask me, Gruden and Turico hit the nail on the head, a lot of his yards come in situations when no one is playing defense and he catches underneath and runs for 10 yards, fitting that that's what he used to break the record. Hilarious that they also pointed it he did it in his 7th straight loss lmao.

    If it was that simple, any WR on a shitty team would have gotten the record by now. Dude has like 10 straight games of over 100 yards, regardless of wins and losses, its not his fault the rest of the team can't do anything to help.

  7. The thing is, he hasn't been in position for a foul....on offense, he doesn't truck people like he used to, he does a whole lot of spinning and passing. On defense, I don't even know, I don't think he feels the need to play defense on some players. He just lurks around the court. I guarantee that if he guards Durant in the Christmas game, that streak will stop in like the first 5 minutes of the game.


    Also, I think there have been two games in this streak where he didn't play in the 4th quarter.

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