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Status Updates posted by BasX

  1. can we lock ecn, lkr and fish in a room and not let them out

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cobb


      Lock me in the room too!

    3. BasX


      now this is getting gay

    4. fish7718


      Everyone wants to be with the fish 8-), why u hatin BasX?

  2. Vacation in 7 days

    1. Cobb


      Where you going?

  3. hayley williams tits

  4. new haste the day is dece

  5. boom goes the dynamite

  6. Vacation tomorrow

  7. Home from Vaca

  8. Yo man, ever heard of the band Raymonde Howard

  9. I just wondered because they are French and just spoke in my popular music class today

  10. By lurking ur convo with Oliver I now think ppl think im a girl

  11. yupp, on and off but i'm here

  12. chilis skin makes it sweet

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