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Fisher Remains Open To Coaching

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Lakers guard Derek Fisher is still considering a coaching career after his playing days are over.


However, coaching is just one of the options he'll consider.


"I think about a number of different things that I feel like I enjoy doing and could be committed to and passionate about doing," Fisher said on Sunday.


"That's probably what would be the most important thing in terms of the impact of my decision about what I do after I'm done."


The veteran said he finds himself thinking even more at this stage of his career about how he'd handle issues during a game.


"I think we all have a natural instinct to visualize ourselves in certain positions and places in our lives. Obviously being closer to the end than the beginning, those pictures are coming into vision clearer and better than they did when I first came into the league."



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It's Fisher who should be careful what I wish for.


Did you happen to see the last possession vs. GS last night Yugo? Brilliant D by Fishwrap. He's just an embarrassment at this point.


Yah, but everyone knows that Kobe hasnt won a ring without Fisher, therefore if Fisher retired, Kobe has no chance to win.

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