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Sorry I didn't get to the PM you sent me (just read it tonight, actually)...but whoever did the graphics did a much better job than I would've done, so it's a good thing. I'm backed up with work anyway, have four other things I have to design in the next month.


Good job. :)

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Answer me this.


Why the hell would he go to NY if there is more to offer as far as winning a championship with good teammates in Chicago, Dallas, LA (Clippers), and Cleveland?


Who the hell do the Knicks have? TMAC and Eddie Curry?


Cleveland may be boring but at least it's not the dirtiest city in America.

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hahaha at you thinking NYC less dirty than Philly.


NYC ranked #1 is many surveys homie.


For example - http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/americas-dirtiest-cities/31


There's one. I could find plenty more.


Philadelphia's dirty and isn't cool, though. Not cool = extra dirty. Church.

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hahaha at you thinking NYC less dirty than Philly.


NYC ranked #1 is many surveys homie.


For example - http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/americas-dirtiest-cities/31


There's one. I could find plenty more.


Manhattan alone is about 5x as large as any other city's downtown in the country. If you've ever been there it's crystal clear why it's among the dirtiest...just far too many people jammed into one place.

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hahaha at you thinking NYC less dirty than Philly.


NYC ranked #1 is many surveys homie.


For example - http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/americas-dirtiest-cities/31


There's one. I could find plenty more.

I'd love for you to find all these sites, LA is the dirtiest city in America and you must have had a tough time finding this one.


The crime rate in New York is much better than the crime rate in Philthyadelphia or any other major city as well

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