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J.R. Smith or Nate Robinson?

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Think about it both are essentially the same players, aside of their height obviously:

- Both come off the bench

- Both fire long range bombs with respected accuracy

- Both can explode to the rim

- Both are instant offense and can turn a close game into blowouts in matter of minutes

- Both can also shoot their teams out of the game

- Both can be headcase for their teams

- Both can pass the ball as if they're PGs... J.R. runs a lot of our offense even when we have a true PG on the floor (Billups/ Lawson/ Carter)... both can run plays for their teams and thrive on pick and roll involving their bigs

- Both have incredible athleticisms



Extra similarities:

- Both have participated in Dunk Contest and never participated in 3 pt contest









So J.R. Smith or Nate Robinson?

Edited by Snake
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I think JR Smith is the better player when consistent but I would rather have Nate Robinson on my team. He just hypes up the crowd and he is also a better passer than JR.

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Nate can be less selfish, and he does more on the court. JR Smith is most effective when he's spotting up for a shot, relying on a superstar teammate or a post player to get him the ball in ideal situations.


I'll take Nate Robinson. He can create his own shot, he's one of the fastest players in the league, and he's more passive.

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Nate is the 2nd most skilled bench player in the NBA behind Crawford so obviously it is him, JR Smith is a solid spot up shooter, and 'solid' is generous. Nate is more creative and if he ever learns to play with his head on straight, he could win the 6th man of the year every year.

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Nate is the 2nd most skilled bench player in the NBA behind Crawford so obviously it is him, JR Smith is a solid spot up shooter, and 'solid' is generous. Nate is more creative and if he ever learns to play with his head on straight, he could win the 6th man of the year every year.

What does Manu not come off the bench these days?

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Nate is the 2nd most skilled bench player in the NBA behind Crawford so obviously it is him, JR Smith is a solid spot up shooter, and 'solid' is generous. Nate is more creative and if he ever learns to play with his head on straight, he could win the 6th man of the year every year.

Most skilled?


I have to disagree with that. Ginobili and Odom have both of those guys beat. Although Lamar doesn't play up to his potential most of the time, he's still much more skilled than Nate.

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I love how Nate is now looked upon as a winner and a great teammate after his play in Game 6 against Orlando and the last 2 games in the Finals, yet earlier in the playoffs people were saying how he isn't getting any playing time because his style of play isn't conclusive to winning and is detrimental to the team.


Its funny how a couple of impressive performances make people forget.


They are basically the same player but I think Nate is better at creating for himself and because of that, give me Nate despite being nearly a foot shorter than Smith. I have never liked Smith and I have a soft spot for little guys though and I can't deny that plays a factor in my choice.

Edited by Built Ford Tough
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I watched a lot of Nate when he was with the Knicks, and while I always loved his charisma and explosive play, I'd rather have JR Smith. Nate's better at creating his own shot and can be more selfless, but the problem is he can't play SG for more than a few spot minutes. His size causes defensive mismatches, and putting him at PG means you also have to deal with his poor decision making as a playmaker.


Smith is a perfect SG's size of 6'6'', allowing him to play in his comfort zone as a scorer at SG. He's a better shooter than Nate, and has an easier time of finishing at the rim. He also has become a solid defender who you don't have to worry about being constantly at a size disadvantage. And while he is not the best decision-maker, he has become a pretty decent passer.

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I am the OP but haven't given mine, so here's...


I'll take J.R. Mainly because of his size and potential to be a full time starting SG on a team. I don't think (as good as Nate has behaved and bought in the Celtics system) teams think he can be a full-time starter at either SG or PG. His size really limits him.


In Denver, J.R. and Karl don't see eye-to-eye. The way Karl communicates with J.R. is through his assistants... even when subbing him in the game, he would tell his assistant to say it to J.R.



I do think J.R. needs a better coach, someone who can reach him and get him to understand what coaches want him to see. Someone like Gregg Popovich, Phil Jackson, or Doc Rivers, people who push the buttons the right way. I do think he can truly blossom as an NBA All Star.


Sky is the limit for this guy... you see all the highlights of him, 360 dunks/ layups, three pt spree... but this guy has a lot to offer. He has no clue how to play mid-range or develop inside game like post up, shoot off the dribble, screens. Passing wise, he has great great vision (almost like a PG) and equally has the passing ability. He can be definitely coached to be a better help rebounder, a better help defender, a better individual defender.


J.R.'s bar is longer than Nate's...


I'm convinced. Get one of those three coaches (esp. Phil) to coach J.R., you will see the diamond come out from the rough.

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