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Top 3 OTR basketball experts?


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^It's true tho lol


How can you be mentally intimidated by another person if you're like 15-20x richer than him?


Physically, yes, a homeless man can intimidate the richest man on earth Bill Gates by threatening to bash/ kill him if they get their hands on him...


But you can't win mental wars against wealthier people... because they have access to areas of life which we are limited to... e.g. they build buildings/ skyscrapers/ boost nation's economy and are involved with financial and at times political (for the super rich) negotiations... while we only hope to show up for work. Other instances are they are allowed into the wealthy club where they meet and interact with influential people. They see, smell, and hear things we don't get to because of the difference in wealth. We can't expect to intimidate wealthier people mentally because they have experienced many more things in life and come to learn and know how to deal with them. Problem solving is big part of being successful.


I'm sure it's the same way with Barnes, who I believe can't mentally intimidate Kobe because Kobe has experienced so many more things in life that his wealth allows, and that includes dealing with a small time, gangsta wannabe small fry like Barnes. If Kobe can't handle a person like that mentally, he wouldn't have been successful in the first place. But a lot of that comes from the wealth he possesses. Even if Kobe went stupid for 10 secs and said to himself, "okay I'm going to let Barnes intimidate me mentally..." it would have been still impossible for him to be intimidated. If I were Kobe, I just don't think I would be. Just my opinion though. :)

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Forgot to post it, but just so you know, Richard Dumas ball-faked Charles Barkley in practice, and Charles flinched, big time.


Dumas was a rookie at the time, Barkley was rich and considered the second best player in the NBA (after Jordan). The teammates all laughed at Barkley, because Chuck did it to Dumas at random times every now and then, since he was a rook.


Fact is, Kobe was pissed, he was focused on ripping Barnes' throat out, and he wasn't paying attention to anything else. Even when he was making $1.3 million a year in 1999, he was acting that way towards players.

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^Being "surprised" is different than being "intimidated".


Anyone can surprise anyone.



Like you said, Kobe was focused on ripping Barnes' throat out, which made him ready for whatever it was coming his way, including the ball fake. The key here is being ready. When Barnes started the physical and mental confrontation, Kobe decided he was gonna deal with Barnes, once a wealthier person establishes this mindset, there is no chance the other party is gonna win.


If Kobe's BBF Josh Powell takes Kobe by surprise and ball fakes him at practice, I'm sure Kobe would flinch as well because he is not ready. The practice situation and mood, just like that Suns practice, must also be light... in straight contrast to that Magic-Lakers game where it was intense when Barnes and Kobe had their early going activities... it prepared Kobe and made him ready. By contrast, again, I'm sure it was a joking mood and the fact everyone laughed which I'm sure Barkley himself laughed, means it was a light atmosphere and noone was ready for a serious/ tense confrontation. Taking someone by surprise is much easier in this case.



But the real difference is, if the other person intimidating you is wealthier than you, there's a good chance you'll still be intimidated even if you're ready and prepared for his "attacks". But on the other hand if you're wealthier than the other person intimidating you, chances are you won't be intimidated, especially if you're ready.

Edited by Snake
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That's not even funny. You're a complete moron. You thought Kobe stole Michael Jordan's vocal cords. GTFO



You're a moron. You think Kobe is trying to become the same person as Jordan. Saying he's trying to be the same player would suffice, but the same person? You're an idiot.


Oh, and nice attempt to diss my team... lol you're a waste of space here dude



What does that have to do with you being a dumbass?

Hey uh someone want to tell me how these are not repeated blatant personal attacks? Just wondering I mean there must be something I'm not seeing because calling someone a dumbass moron and waste of space is an attack to me.


It's not letting me report him. Oh well, I think it's pretty much inferred this middle schooler doesn't belong here.

I agree judging by the way you conduct yourself YOU do not belong here, you really just set that whole pointless argument up by baiting him. At least that's how I saw it, maybe I'm wrong.

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Both of them were going to get suspended, but then I noticed the IP address matched PointForwardGuy, who has been banned probably three times already...and a couple of you suspected it was him.


Looking back at his posts, I don't blame anyone for calling him a moron.

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Holy crap, PFG is STILL trolling? I was arguing with that fool on like 3 different sites a few years back over T-Mac being a point-forward...I can't believe he's still around, and apparently still hasn't learned.


Anyway, in no particular order, I'd say the top 3 are Real Deal, Blasco and Mason.

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Holy crap, PFG is STILL trolling? I was arguing with that fool on like 3 different sites a few years back over T-Mac being a point-forward...I can't believe he's still around, and apparently still hasn't learned.


Anyway, in no particular order, I'd say the top 3 are Real Deal, Blasco and Mason.


No that is wrong...apparently he has no life so that is why he continues to troll all the sites he has been already banned from.

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OMG guys, he was IMing me with the name Wade3MVPBSG. I wasn't sure it was him, I just assumed it was one of the Heat fans on here without even checking who it really was. Case in point, I got a really good laugh when I figured out who he was.

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