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Stafon Johnson suffers heartbreaking setback in comeback

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Johnson was making tracks in his first preseason game on Saturday night against the Seattle Seahawks, gaining 23 yards on three carries, until his right leg was trapped underneath him on a swing pass at the end of the third quarter. Johnson went down and stayed down as the cart came out to take him off the field. Johnson's right leg was placed in an air cast, and Seahawks coach Pete Carroll (who coached Johnson at USC) came out to talk to the young man. The entire Titans team came out on the field to pray as Johnson was loaded onto the cart. Everyone knew what was at stake, and what Johnson had gone through to get there.


"I was just so sorry to see Stafon get hurt," Carroll said after the game. "This was a guy that had to undergo so much physical pressure and mental pressure. It looked bad, and he was very broken up by it. I know that (Tennessee coach) Jeff (Fisher) thinks the world of Stafon and if anybody can get back, he can.


"He's an absolute warrior. He will do it. He's done it before under worse circumstances, and this will be a challenge for him."


Initial reports indicate that Johnson may have a dislocated ankle, which would likely mean the end of his 2010 season. Whatever the final diagnosis may be, it was a heart-wrenching moment for those who have been so impressed with the strength and courage Johnson has displayed during his amazing comeback.





This happening after he just survived a life-threatening-injury. Coach Carrol says he could be out 8-12 weeks. What horrible luck for the kid.

Edited by Prodigy
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