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Houston at Memphis

Real Deal

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  • 4 months later...

If we lose this game it will once again be due to coaching. Why would you run a Lowery/Hill pick and roll instead of Martin/Hill pick and roll. What does Rick have against Martin that he always does dumb [expletive] like this? Not to mention the fact that Martin was just sat for over 10 minutes.

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COACHING COACHING COACHING COACHING COACHING COACHING!!!!! Rick has declined soooooo much as a coach this year it is sad. Rick has forgot some common sense rules for coaching a couple being....when a player is hot you [expletive]ing play him and another being when you have a star like Martin as your best player you run [expletive] for him not for you below average point guards. '


Can someone please explain why you would designe a pick and roll between Lowery and Hill when you have Martin on the floor? not to mention the fact that Martin was on the complete other side. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:



Edited by ChosenOne
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