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iBoldin's Football Concepts Thread

The Great iBoldin

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Anything I find on the web from time to time I'll post up here to both share with you football fans and help educate and allow people to learn more about schemes, concepts, formations, etc. Both offense and defense. Feel free to share your own stuff as well, anything is useful in this thread.


I'll start it off with some Dana Holgorsen stuff. Hologorsen was just hired at WVU as the next head coach, but led the number one offense in the country in Oklahoma State. Holgorsen is an advocate of Mike Leach's air raid offense, but is more about stretching the defense and attacking vertical lanes.



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A look into Oregon's high speed, no huddle offense. They use boards to creatively call their plays at the line, and it obviously works. Auburn also does a variation of this, but revert more to numbers then the images that Oregon uses. This basically gives you an in depth look at it. If you want, bookmark this site as well, as he's a great understander of the game, he just gets it. Very respected and he's one of the few that actually formulates an opinion through watching film.

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