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Abortion doctor charged with 8 murders - including 7 babies with scissors


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The pro's outweigh the con's? What pro is there besides retribution? Deterrence statistics have been proven multiple times to be false. The cons by far outweigh the pros; cost, the possibility of an innocent death (yes it has occurred in the past look up Cameron Todd Willingham



I'll get more into it when I get back from work, but I will leave with you a few questions and statements.



1. I'm fully aware of the deterrent statistics in states that have the death penalty, but those stats don't make much sense at all. Please tell me why 99% of death penalty cases the defense will ask for life in prison instead of the death penalty. It's not a deterrent though, right?


2. You mention the cost of the death penalty, but those statistics don't show how expensive appeals are for people with a life in prison sentence, nor do they show how costly plea-bargains can be, which are extremely costly.


3. Life in prison does not always mean life in prison, You can be let out for good behavior even with a life in prison sentence, and you can be given a pardon as well.


4. This statistic is from the 1980's, but the point remains the same.



"Of the roughly 52,000 state prison inmates serving time for murder in 1984, an estimated 810 had previously been convicted of murder and had killed 821 persons following their previous murder convictions. Executing each of these inmates would have saved 821 lives.”



5. Also, if someone wants to mention that the death penalty has a racial flaw to it, that is not true considering African Americans are TEN times more likely to commit a violent crime than a white person.



Finally, since you seem to love quotes, here's one for you.


"Yesterday’s child-killer may become today’s “lifer”, then tomorrow’s parolee”.

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1. I'm fully aware of the deterrent statistics in states that have the death penalty, but those stats don't make much sense at all. Please tell me why 99% of death penalty cases the defense will ask for life in prison instead of the death penalty. It's not a deterrent though, right?

Well, you just pulled that 99% out of your ass. And like I said before there is no concrete proof that it is a deterrent.


2. You mention the cost of the death penalty, but those statistics don't show how expensive appeals are for people with a life in prison sentence, nor do they show how costly plea-bargains can be, which are extremely costly.

I'm not going to argue this one with you because it is been proven multiple times by numerous sources that it is more expensive to sentence a man to death than to life in prison. They are both costly but capital punishment is much more expensive.

3. Life in prison does not always mean life in prison, You can be let out for good behavior even with a life in prison sentence, and you can be given a pardon as well.

People being sentenced to death are usually serial killers. Their sentences are extreme and most never even have the chance to get out. Plus there is a simple solution to that problem; life in prison without the possibility of parole. Shocking, yes I know.


4. This statistic is from the 1980's, but the point remains the same.

"Of the roughly 52,000 state prison inmates serving time for murder in 1984, an estimated 810 had previously been convicted of murder and had killed 821 persons following their previous murder convictions. Executing each of these inmates would have saved 821 lives.”

Did you even read my quotes?

"if our legal system followed the cost-benefit analysis of economics, we would shoot all young, first-time offenders -- because we know they are very likely to offend again”

The fact is that our justice system has moved toward a humane type of system. Using your logic, we should kill all first time offenders because statistics show they will commit crime again. Right? Probabilities and assumptions CANNOT be used to justify things in our justice system.



The system is screwed up.


Edited by Guru™
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Horrifying...and the fact that he performed hundreds of abortions like that makes me sick. This just isn't him "going too far with the abortions" , he took the lives of several woman who had the procedure done. He is a murderer with complete disregard for life, and he should receive the harshest possible punishment for his crimes.


He doesn't deserve to live, not after taking so many lives.

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ay I don't want to jump the gun and say the world is ending, but things are getting really ugly. all this brutal violence, all these tragic events, right here in the US. I live in SoCal and was watching the local news a few days ago. there was a shooting at a school in LA and just as they finished that story, they started talking about another school shooting that took place just a few miles away. mix that with the Giffords nightmare, the driveby that took place here in my hometown, and now this - and that's just scratching the surface.


I don't know what's going on with people nowadays and I don't think I want to know, honestly. I'm just now reading another gruesome story on the CNN website. I'll do you all a solid and not mention the details, but it's disgusting. this guy here not only performed late-term abortions, but he committed straight up murders as well. he's probably committed thousands of illegal acts in his life and I'm sure some of his employees have engaged in a fair share of heavy misconduct as well. I don't know much about the debate surrounding lethal injections versus lifetime imprisonments, but it seems like this guy should just be put to death immediately. if they can prove he did this, yeah, just give him the shots. no torture, nothing degrading - just put him down.

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