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Could Rick Adelman be on his way out after the season?


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The Q&A session was loose, fun and from the hip, but when Daryl was asked about Rick Adelman’s lame duck status as coach with his contract expiring after this season, the tone turned serious. Daryl was brief and to the point.

“With Coach Adelman, we’re going to sit down after the season and figure it out,” said Morey.




Very surprised to hear that from Morey, I always thought Adelman had one of the more secured jobs in the NBA. Rick has always been a winner and depending on what the Rockets do at the trade deadline, they could be in the beginning of a rebuilding process and I'm not sure if Rick wants to go through that again. He left Sacramento when they begin their streak of finishing at the bottom of the West, will he do the same in Houston? I doubt that the Rockets are happy with how Adelman has changed the defensive culture of the Rockets either, but that is more on the players than him although Rick did have a lot of say on who came and went but so did Morey. Regardless I think Rick is a great coach despite his and the team's struggles this year and an excellent talent evaluator. If the Rockets are heading in a direction that doesn't make much sense with Rick then I can understand it, but honestly what coach available right now is better than Adelman?

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