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I haven't tuned in regularly since around Raw 100, but caught enough to know whats been going on and I think its safe to say that this Ryback guy is pretty damn over and seems to have Vince's confidence after main eventing HiTC and then most likely Survivor Series (unless Cena vs Ziggler somehow main events for some ridiculous reason). His momentum/character took a pretty big last week with his undefeated streak being thrown out of the window (regardless of the means), but then again he did destroy Punk right after the match.


So thoughts on Ryback and his feud with Punk? Do you like that the WWE is finally looking to the future and trying to build another superstar? How big can Ryback be in the company?

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Big fan of his, but I think it's too much too soon. I think he should have been feuding with Miz or Cesaro over one of the midcard belts first.


Regardless, I hope the guy does well...about time they make a new star.

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