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Which is more difficult...


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Your sarcasm is on a different planet in this regard. What I said meant that, no matter what I did, my defense wasn't going to improve...that I've been working on it extremely hard for years, and I still have average defense.


I really don't even know what you're telling me with this.

The same motif I've been expressing the entire topic.


I actually don't think that's a bad comparison: is it more realistic for you to become dominant defensively, or to develop a Kobe-like offensive repertoire?


You might say the defense for whatever strange reason that's inhibiting it (maybe you just have to work harder), but I guarantee most would say offense.

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Your sarcasm is on a different planet in this regard. What I said meant that, no matter what I did, my defense wasn't going to improve...that I've been working on it extremely hard for years, and I still have average defense.


Maybe you should be more physical, take a James Posey approach. :) Defense is more about the work on your lower body (from waist down) than your upper body. Position yourself around your man when he's not comfortable when he rises for a shot or when he wants to lay up or dunk. It's not about contesting shot, but rather your presence that makes the offensive player uncomfortable with you being there.

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