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Lakers interested in Kirk Hinrich


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I still don't see the Lakers tying up that much more money long-term, especially with the owners seemingly deadset on instituting a hard cap soon. The Lakers will be in dire straights if they are at a salary of 90+ million with like 7 long-term contracts when teams are starting to get forced to LOWER their cap.


Not to mention Kobe is apparently getting 3 years 90 million or something absurd like that, maybe if he takes a paycut or just stays where his salary is this makes more sense, but otherwise it just doesn't.

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Travesy3 - Word is LA is ok with taking on Hinrich's salary but if and only if Chicago takes Vujacic off the Lakers hands. That way LA subtracts an MLE salary in 2010-11 and the payroll/tax hit is modified. Problem is getting Chicago to agree to it and that comes down to what options the Bulls have to clear the cap room they need to go after Bosh, Wade, et al. A deal even with Vujacic involved clears the 4.2 Chicago needs to shop for the impact names. Obviously it's a final option, they only do it if a Laker deal is their only means for getting the cap space they need to shop this summer.


Poe - Hinrich is their best perimeter defender but by clearing him off the books they can go after Wade and Bosh. They have to clear 4.2 off their cap. Better to take the hit this year to be a contender next year, provided they can land a name in free agency.

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Poe - Hinrich is their best perimeter defender but by clearing him off the books they can go after Wade and Bosh. They have to clear 4.2 off their cap. Better to take the hit this year to be a contender next year, provided they can land a name in free agency.

That's a pretty risky move, though. Their current record may take a hit, and there's no telling whether or not they'll actually land a big time free agent, or wind up with nothing worth making the original move for.


And wouldn't it be better to get rid of someone else a bit less valuable to the team? John Salmons, Tyrus Thomas?

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What are they risking though? Chicago wants championships. A tightly contested near upset of Boston is nice but not what the franchise or its fans expect. Jordan spoiled them. Even playing at an optimal level they'd be very lucky to make the ECF and have no shot at winning it. The Bulls are willing to cast aside an early playoff exit this year in exchange for contention in the years ahead. They need to clear that space.


Salmons hasn't played that well this year and won't attract a last year on his own. Thomas is a nice piece but since he's on rookie K they don't clear the 4.2 they need. In addition if they are to land an impact free agent they'll need to clear payroll space anyway and two of their targets are 2's (Wade and Joe Johnson). I'd give them a good shot at landing Joe if Wade turns them down so the risk really isn't that big.

Edited by Sky
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Salmons hasn't played that well this year and won't attract a last year on his own. Thomas is a nice piece but since he's on rookie K they don't clear the 4.2 they need. In addition if they are to land an impact free agent they'll need to clear payroll space anyway and two of their targets are 2's (Wade and Joe Johnson). I'd give them a good shot at landing Joe if Wade turns them down so the risk really isn't that big.


Salmons could actually.

See, He is a damn good SF but not a good SG. Last season Deng was out for most of the year and Salmons took over the 3 spot, which is when we saw him stack on almost 20 a game and when he was truly effective and i am sure that i am not the only one who noticed that (ala, front offices).


I personally think they should keep Salmons at the 3 and get rid of Deng. Deng seems to have problems staying healthy, and he has not really lived up to the hype that a lot of people were giving him for such a long time.

Salmons is a worthy replacement who signs for much less, fewer years and imo he is more offensively diverse.

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I guess it would make more sense if Sasha was involved like you said. But still, the owners are looking to get a hard cap which means the Lakers are going to be [expletive]ed when they have to start trying to get down to the hard cap. I think if this team has the best record in the West at the deadline and are 1st or 2nd in the league, they will stand pat.


The only way I see the PG position changing is in the off-season, through trade for free agency.


I think the Bulls first option, like mentioned, is to move Salmons for an expiring. I think the only way that this deal happens is if LA starts to really struggle, and they are willing to trade just expirings for Kirk, that would mean getting another team involved or sending Fisher as well. And the Bulls would only do this if they were unable to unload the amount they needed to clear.


I know people said Buss said money is no object or he will spend to win. But these owners, all of them, HAVE to be keeping the CBA issues and potential lockout in the back of their mind when constructing their teams, especially long-term. At least I would think so. I would be shocked if he tied 90+ million dollars into this team next year when not only the cap is going down but a hard cap is nearly inevitable coming into 2011-12.


You have to look at the big picture, when the Lakers have Odom and Artest over 30 years old, Pau at 30 and Kobe well into his 30's, all these guys are on pretty big deals, and the Lakers will be forced to move them for almost no value just to get into the new cap restrictions, or they will be forced to move Bynum, Kobe or Pau, three guys I doubt they planned on moving in the next 3-5 years. Adding Hinrich will only make working under the potential CBA even harder.

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Travesy - Those in the know say it's an absolute. Buss will only take on Hinrich if Vujacic or Walton is in the deal. He will not trade just last years for Hinrich, that adds 18M in payroll and tax next year. Too much money. No Sasha out no Hinrich in. Absolute. If that means no Hinrich so be it. Still comes down to what other options Chicago has. If they have one they take it, if not they have no choice but to take on Sasha as it would be their only means for cutting 4.2 off the cap and having a chance at the max free agents.


On the hard cap, what the owners have proposed is an immediate across the board cut in salaries to fit the hard cap. It's not a case of LA would have to sell off pieces to get under. All salaries would be chopped with a meat cleaver.

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From the Sheridan chat.


Chris Sheridan (3:18 PM)


You are assuming the Bulls are ready to pull the trigger on that reported deal (Hinrich-Morrison), which they are not. I think if they can do a McGrady deal in which they clear Salmons/TyThomas along with Hinrich to clear toom for a second max free agent, that's the more preferable route. And regarding the Lakers, I think they are of the same mind as the Celtics: They will make a no-brainer deal, but they won't take on unnecessary risk or money when they know there will be a lot of players taking buyouts between Feb. 19 and March 1 who will then be begging for spots on those two rosters.

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So Houston deals McGrady for Hinrich, Salmons and Thomas? Not seeing that one.


Rox fans would know best, so you tell me Dash, who is in the lead on a TMac deal? Some are saying New York is the one most interested in him but Milkman obviously will insist on Jefferies or Curry in the deal direct or 3-way and I don't see anyone in the league willing to take either player.

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So Houston deals McGrady for Hinrich, Salmons and Thomas? Not seeing that one.


Rox fans would know best, so you tell me Dash, who is in the lead on a TMac deal? Some are saying New York is the one most interested in him but Milkman obviously will insist on Jefferies or Curry in the deal direct or 3-way and I don't see anyone in the league willing to take either player.


Right now there is no particular team in the lead for T-Mac. Philly no longer wants just expirings, they would only trade Iggy for a player of equal or better value. The Kings have entertained phone calls from Morey but they seem set on trying to work out the Evans-Martin backcourt. Washington has been overpricing their players, recently asking for Brooks, Landry or Budinger in addition to T-Mac in a potential deal for Caron Butler and Brendan Haywood. Out of these three teams, the Wizards deal is most likely as Morey has shown interest in acquiring a center of Haywood's stature. I still a doubt a deal goes through with the recent reports.


If T-Mac does get traded, it will be in a simpler deal that involves smaller assets. Chicago, New York would be ideal. You're right about the Knicks, there is no way Houston takes on either one of Curry or Jefferies. The Knicks can offer a package of Hughes, Mobley (contract) and one of Toney Douglas/Wilson Chandler/Nate Robinson or even Jordan Hill (highly doubt that). Chicago can offer a package similar to the one in my previous post but I'm not sure if Houston will bite.


In a nutshell, I have no clue.

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