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About Mistwell

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  • Fav Player
    Blake Griffin
  • NBA Team Rep
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks a lot, man!! #Bench On A Quest

  2. Cool, thanks for the link. Good stuff. You may have comics artist in your future...
  3. So far the total votes are: Gordon 7 +19 + 21 = 47 votes Bledsoe 1 + 10 + 17 = 28 votes
  4. Thank you for joining and posting here!! :) How do you like this place so far?

  5. 0n another board I also asked two related questions: 1) Would you say that had we traded Bledsoe for Paul instead of Gordon for Paul, that trading Bledsoe for Paul would have been a worse deal for the Clippers? 2) Do you think that New 0rleans would want to trade Gordon for Bledsoe, if their prices and contracts were the same? Links: Just a heads up, I put this up at two other boards and will combine results later: http://clippertalk.com/poll/battle-erics-whos-better-gordon-or-bledsoe http://clippers.topbuzz.com/PNphpBB2-viewtopic-t-10617.html#341775
  6. Who is the better of these two Erics: Eric Gordon, or Eric Bledsoe? I don't mean "for the Clippers", and I don't mean a particular day, and I don't mean who is the better value for the money, I mean just in general who is the better player? Note: The results of this poll will be combined with the results at two other Clippers message boards to provide a broader total result.
  7. Year You Became a Fan: 1992 (or so) Why You Became a Fan: Danny Manning Favorite Clippers Player, All-Time: Blake Griffin Favorite Clippers Coach, All-Time: Larry Brown Favorite Clippers Moment: Beating Memphis in Epic Comeback of Playoffs Game 1 Amount of Clippers Games Attended: 120+
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