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Posts posted by platoon793

  1. Looks like it will be a massacre on Thursday. Heat are in a slump, and Lakers are playing some of the best basketball of the season. Besides Wade and LeBron, no one seems to be picking up the slack, and I really hope when Haslem comes back, whenever the hell he does and it better be soon, he takes Bosh's spot. Haslem actually plays defense, hustles, grabs rebounds, and can hit open jumpshots. Recently Bosh hasn't been doing any of these things. And where the hell is the Heat's good defense? That defense doesn't seem to apply to good teams. Portland shot 50.6%, and we shot even better, and still lost the game by 9 damn points. They had more offensive rebounds, and less turnovers as well. It's pathetic to see the Heat shoot 51.4% and lose by 9. And LeBron and Wade had a great shooting night as well. No one else though decided to show up. Not looking forward at all to Thursday.

  2. Seriously, our bigs suck ass, including Bosh. I'm not sure what the hell has been wrong with him these past couple of weeks. Has been playing horrible on the offensive end and hasn't done much on the defensive either. Can't even grab rebounds for us.

  3. Did you watch the first quarter? :lol:

    Haha, but we played well in the 2nd quarter. I don't get why the Heat no longer come out of half time well. I remember at one point we basically were a 2nd half team, cruising in the first and taking teams serious in the 2nd. Now we just absolutely suck in the 2nd half.

  4. Nope, that's right statement. Play great in first half/3 quarters and then choke.

    Do you know what understatement means? I was making a joke about your comment that the Heat are chokers, by saying that phrase is downplaying how big the Heat choke.

  5. The difference between the Heat and the Bulls is that the Heat can play on the road. Bulls are 13-13 on the road, Heat are 21-11. And let's not forget Heat will most likely have home court advantage. We played one game without LeBron, and had Chris Bosh leave in the 4th due to an injury. Also didn't have Haslem, and Chicago didn't have Noah. This game we didn't have Miller/Haslem and in both games we barely lost. And both games were in Chicago. We'll see how the Heat do next Sunday when they play the Bulls on their home court.

  6. Heat's Big 3 is definitely playing better than Boston's, but the Heat are only up four at the half.

    Probably because Heat have 12 turnovers to the Celtics' 3 and 2 offensive rebounds compared to 7 by the Celtics. Even though the Heat are shooting much better the Celtics have had many more possessions (10 more shots).

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