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Everything posted by Need4Sheed

  1. haha even howard stern liked it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzzZM4bNUAI&feature=related
  2. I watched a piece on Outside the Lines today about this. F*ckin sad as hell.
  3. http://h11.abload.de/img/untitled-2ovjj0.gif
  4. This has to be one of the most epically stupid ideas ever posted on OTR.
  5. Seems like a real dirty type of play. lol notsrs
  6. Yeah I dont see a problem with interracial dating. I dated a spanish chick for about a year when i was younger and my parents didnt like it.
  7. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/05/05/article-2139764-12EB65EB000005DC-766_634x293.jpg http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2139764/Usain-Bolt-fashion-designer-girlfriend-unsporting-race-storm.html
  8. If he does this then the Nets are sure in for a shitty team in the long run.
  9. Grizz bout to clap dem cheeks. Gonna be 1 and done for the Clips.
  10. He is smart to bounce. This team isnt going anywhere and his stock is about as high as it will get. Plus I'm sure Collins isnt the best coach to get along with.
  11. Yeah this topic is kinda............. Of course they do lol
  12. They should seriously make Artest the first player banned from the league for life. Dude is a straight thug and has no right being so privileged making mills playing a pro sport with actions like this all the time. It puts so much negative light on the league.
  13. OP does he scared you more like Greg Oden or Shawn Bradley?
  14. Gotcha. Yeah it would be cool if the board provided you with statistical graphs, etc.
  15. I'm curious to see posts per day historically throughout the last few years (or overall). Be do you have anything like this?
  16. even better http://i.imgur.com/7UqOh.gif
  17. For the first time I actually felt for Skip. Jalen prob did hit a part inside him that haunts. Also felt what Jalen was saying. He was basically sticking up for ALL players and telling it how it is against the media. Good debate.
  18. Yeah man, losing respect for this dude. Has he ever been asked about all the flopping?
  19. inb4 Shaliq extracts and posts the Clippers ones lol
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