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Posts posted by AJFromTheDMV

  1. Brand was a 20-10 player his rookie year, so that's pretty good, he was slowed down by injuries. Same with Kenyon Martin, he's been plagued with injuries. Barngani could be way better if he was aggressive and could play defense.


    I agree with most of the criticism of Wall, but averaging 8 asts on a bad team is like averaging 10 assists on a good team. A missed assist tracker on BulletsForever's website showed that he could have led the league in assists had his teammates converted at a better rater. "Knowing how to run an offense" is so subjective. Westbrook knows how to run an offense if the offense is set up for him to score. Wall is no Kwame Brown as the top pick, but he is not D-Rose either. He'll finally have a decent team around him next season. Year 3 will tell a lot about the direction of his career.

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  2. The NBA draft is next week and I've been looking back at some old drafts, including the 2008 one. Many people considered Michael Beasley to be a sure pick that was going to come in and average 20 and 10 right away. Also, people were saying that Derrick Rose was a pick just off of potential. Beasley's college #s: 26.2 ppg 12.4 rpg 52% shooting, 37% 3pt shooting. Rose college #s: 14.9 ppg 4.7 Asts 47% shooting, 33% 3 pt shooting. Now, Rose is an MVP and Beasley is a role player. Stats aren't everything, but what happened to Beasley?

  3. There have been many rumors that the Wizards will buy out Rashard Lewis and amnesty Andray Blatche to free up cap space. I like either Thomas Robinson or Bradley Beal with the 3rd pick. With Robinson, the Wizards would have a tough front line with Nene, Seraphin, and Booker. You could remove the soft label that they've earned over the years. With Robinson the Wizards will get a hungry big who is NBA ready. However, the Wizards biggest needs are at the shooting guard and small forward positions. They need an effective shooter with 3 point range. Bradley Beal fits that description. I like MKGs hustle and effort, but he can't shoot. Point blank. The LAST thing the Wizards need is another guy who can't shoot. None of the young guys they've drafted/traded for lately are great shooters. (Wall, Crawford, Booker, and Vesely) Beal would come right in, be the starting 2, and stretch the floor for Wall/Nene to go to work.

  4. No excuses for his shooting, but people forget that John Wall does everything pretty well besides his outside shooting/turnover problem. He's the 3rd best rebounding pg behind Rondo, and Westbrook. He's the best shot blocking pg by far. He's 7th in assists per game. He also gets to the line well for a pg (6.1 atpg). It's so frustrating watching him lose confidence in his J, he can't do that if he wants to be the franchise player. He is a 79% free throw shooter, so you might wonder why he can't hit mid range jumpers consistently. He has a bad tendency to shoot his jumper on the way down or fadaway to his right. If you watch him in practice/workouts, he makes shots consistently, but they are set shots or shots where he jumps like 2 inches off of the ground. He works on his shot with Sam Cassell (who was an excellent mid range shooter/post player.) He just has to keep his form consistent; straight up and down, and stay confident in his shot. He said he would work on his 3pt shot this summer and play in less charity games. Lets see if/how much he improves next season. The Wizards need some outside shooting, J-Wall can personally help out with that.

  5. Who should we draft with the third pick? Who should we pick up in free agency? What do our young players like John Wall, Jordan Crawford, Trevor Booker, and Jan Vesely have to do to improve their games.


    Players scheduled to work out with the Wizards as of June 11th, 2012:

    Bradley Beal

    Thomas Robinson

    Michael Kidd-Ghilchrist

    Austin Rivers


    Possible Free Agents signees:

    Gerald Wallace

    Eric Gordon

    Ersan Ilyasova

    Ryan Anderson

    Nicholas Batum

  6. The Wizards were 7-4 with Nene in the line up, and played way better defense under Wittman. Kevin Seraphin emerged as a legitimate big who can score with both hands and can post up any center in the league. Getting rid of Young/McGee was huge even though I wish them the best. Now, we need a good off-season in the draft, free agency, and development of our other young players.

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