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Lone Wolf

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Posts posted by Lone Wolf

  1. One thing I see WWE doing:



    Barrett wins title, Cena is out of Nexus. Miz cashes in Money In The Bank and Cena helps Miz beat down Barrett...Cena makes the quick pin count, Miz is WWE Champ.

    This. Only problem is that the whole Nexus plans to show up right after the WWE title match.



    The list of matches:




    WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett (with special guest referee John Cena)

    World Heavyweight Champion Kane vs. Edge

    Team Mysterio vs. Team Del Rio (Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match)

    WWE Tag Team Champions Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater vs. Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov

    Divas Championship 2-on-1 Handicap Match. Natalya vs. Laycool

    John Morrison vs. Sheamus


    I was hoping for DiBiase vs. Bryan for the US title since DiBiase attacked Bryan this past Raw.

  2. Wednesday, November 17th

    Phoenix @ Miami (ESPN)

    Winner: Miami

    Leading passer: Steve Nash


    Chicago @ San Antonio (ESPN)

    Winner: Chicago

    Leading rebounder: Joakim Noah


    Thursday, November 18th

    Phoenix @ Orlando (TNT)

    Winner: Orlando

    Leading scorer: Dwight Howard


    Denver @ Portland (TNT)

    Winner: Denver

    Player with the most threes made: JR Smith


    Friday, November 19th

    Oklahoma City @ Boston (ESPN)

    Winner: Boston

    Leading shot-blocker: Thabo Sefolosha


    Chicago @ Dallas (ESPN)

    Winner: Dallas

    Player with the most turnovers: Derrick Rose


    Saturday, November 20th

    New York @ LA Clippers

    Winner: LA Clippers

    Leading scorer: Eric Gordon

  3. Just curious, but how many of his offensive rebounds were of the Moses Malone variety? Not trying to take anything away from him because obviously a 30/30 game is absolutely amazing, I just noticed his poor shooting percentage and was curious.

    Love is a pretty good finisher when it comes to tipping in or getting a shot off right-off-the-bat when he gets an offensive rebound. His shooting has been poor this year, which is mostly jump shots.

  4. Please pick them to win for the rest of the season ; )


    Anyway, GUTE GAME BEARS!! This was such a happy feeling win!

    Favre sucks, what a joke.

    3 picks, ouch cutler owned him.

    Even though the refs were hating on us the entire game, specially da first half, da bears came through.

    Welcome back hester, you're ridiculous !

    Tied for number 1 in the nfc north, move on down puckers :glasses: Bears are back.


    and lol at berrian for not playing, what a lil punk.

    Favre sucks? LOL!

    How did Cutler own him?


    If anything, the Bears coaching staff > Vikings coaching staff.

  5. Don't get me wrong, scoring 42 points in an NBA game is nothing to scoff at, regardless of the shots that you take, but I'd like to believe that if you give any NBA player that is feeling it on a specific night, who is considered above average offensively 31 shots and 10 free throw attempts against a soft defense that they would score at least 30-35 points.


    It is impressive, but not that impressive. I'm sure that some people are going to hype it up way more than it should be.

    This guy is not hearing any hype. Thanks for raining the parade, by the way. :unsure:

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