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Alpha 4

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Everything posted by Alpha 4

  1. I honestly don't think so. Just making this thread after seeing the 200+ long wishlist page on TLN for Pau Gasol to get traded.
  2. Dabearfan101, is that Gianna in your av?
  3. So many "aging" thinks I have that I need to replace =/ I need more $$$
  4. God, can this thing end already!? Are the sold or not?!
  5. He can't do it alone anymore! Well....maybe but I don't think so anymore at his age.
  6. Welp, at least Pringles knows what's at stake here....
  7. Yeah people on TLN were raging cause he was just doing minor damage control. I figure if we had gained CP3 nobody would be saying anything.
  8. Can I join on the fun too? GT: Akimbo Fish Let's play a rousing game of BLOPS 2.
  9. That ladybug looks extremely content on your laptop sir.
  10. I would watch, but I don't watch Laker games to get frustrated =/ That's what CoD is for.
  11. Maybe tweak the 2nd Amendment but not remove it outright.
  12. I play on the Xbox. Mostly Domination.
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