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Everything posted by PapaDoink

  1. Can you honestly say you hated Shaq when he was with LA
  2. lmao im not trying to argue but whats your reasons for hating all of them
  3. George W Bush George W Bush George W Bush George W Bush George W Bush
  4. I don't see why people think he's so great
  5. I'm so pumped for this season I hope I get to go to a game!
  6. Thats a [expletive]in sick track
  7. They can't be one of the worst sports cities if they have LeBron playin for em
  8. Alright whatever you say I dont care anymore hope you sleep better tonight after your mom gives you your milk and cookies douchebag.
  9. Ya rowland pitched pretty good at the game that I went to. He had a bad 1st inning but was pretty solid after that.
  10. We better keep Felix cuz hes one of our only pitchers left thats any good
  11. I have the first one and it was good so I think I will give this a listen.
  12. Your calling me a retard when you the [expletive]in retard I wasn't ACTUALLY [expletive]ING saying that New York is worse. God damn your so [expletive]ing stupid
  13. Not very easy to compare.........
  14. That game mode looks fun I can't wait for the game still 2 months left it seems so far away!!!
  15. As long as he isn't hacking my Mac I don't care lol but just wondering how long does it take for him to hack into a pc
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