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Everything posted by reno

  1. Cause shed ruin this country. Terrible person , only reason people will be voting for her is cause 'a' she's a woman and 'b' they like free handouts cause they too lazy to do stuff on their own or to budget themselves . Which would make them pretty stupid people IMO
  2. I love Ron paul but unfortunately too many people see him being too radical and many republicans don't like his stance on military non intervention . It would if been an interesting election if he was going up.
  3. what does this have to do with minority? Cause Republicans dont want ILLEGALS living in this country? Cause they want people to get off their lazes asses and do something with their life instead of wanting a free handout?
  4. Jeb Bush will take presidency, hes actually a very smart man and would do this country good. I pray to god people aren't stupid enough to vote for Hilliary.
  5. "[expletive] Mitt Romney If He Wins Us Mexicans Are Gonna Have To Go Back to Mexico And The U.S. Will Have Less People!!! Like · · 7 hours ago via mobile · " someone on facebook. Dem supporters are sure great.
  6. Romney will win. cant wait to take america back and we can finally begin the rebuilding/healing phase after 4 years of depression and irresponsible spending from our government.
  7. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbdqo1EYnt1rge9rdo1_500.jpg
  8. this. libs keep blaming it all on bush but the numbers dont lie. country was better off when obama was not elected.
  9. Obviously coaching is not that great, but I think the lakers are just too old of a team and dont have a good bench. Nash already hurt his hand today.
  10. Overrated storm imho. News making a bigger deal than what it really is.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjLwWVRkxG4 Seems to be a lot of ufo's fly into volcanoes. They say the smaller ufo's ships use the center of the earth as a stargate via volcanoes and that the large ufo ships use the suns stargates via sunspots. Interesting stuff.
  12. well thats unfortunate. Luckily tho, florida is projected to be a romney state.
  13. Matrices? Yah ok. Bottom line is obama has made it extremely hard for business to grow here to all are jobs are being outsourced. If you care about your neighbors and want america to succeed vote for romney. People see this and understand this and thats why romney is ahead in the polls. Election day will show up.
  15. It is, but nexus 7 is not ios. All the apps on it is basically an oversized phone app. Unless you don't care about the apps/games.
  16. So whats your thoughts on the new ipad mini and Ipad 4? Which one would you rather have? I really like the ipad minis size and it being 50% lighter, but I'm disappointed that it wont have retina display. http://www6.pcmag.com/media/images/362879-apple-ipad-mini-vs-4th-generation-ipad.jpg?thumb=y
  17. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/552185_446899372035093_259964885_n.jpg
  18. I'm looking for some aim friends for when I'm bored. Feel free to add me up as a friend, Dabearfan102.
  19. its sad tho isn't it? why should we let a politician poor tons of tax payers money just for advertising in a state. Lets just have america vote by majority.
  20. ah well that something obama says is creating tons of jobs which is simply not true. romney will allow the private sector to create jobs for us, he understands business and the economy.
  21. I wouldn't expect you to understand since you're obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed by supporting obama. Basically obama if reelected is gonna destroy america as we know it and all the illegals from mexico will take all our jobs and continue to abuse the system and get free benefits.
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