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Posts posted by Riot

  1. http://www.finishline.com/images/products/xl395840001.jpg


    50 dolla.


    I also bought Guitar Hero 2 for PS2 for 5 dollars. Haha yeah son, see, that's how ya gotta do it. I first bought the original Guitar Hero in 2006. Then just now buying the 2nd one when it's really cheap. Also bought an EyeToy game... lol. For 2 dollars.

  2. Lately I've watched:


    Pulp Fiction - One of the best movies ever, never gets old.


    Kill Bill Vol. 1 - This movie is just badass, interesting from start to finish.


    Waking Life - Ey I'm tellin ya'll, if you want to watch an interesting philosophical movie, then check this movie out. I've seen it a lot and want to watch it again soon to get a better understanding of the ideas they talk about in it. It's one of my favorites ever.


    Miller's Crossing - Coen brothers movie. I mean, it was good, but I just don't think I like gangster movies that much. Lot of names being thrown around.


    Annie Hall - Been meaning to see it for a while, really good, funny.

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  3. Oh yeah, I saw a huge billboard for Marcin Gortat while over there. It was on one of the buildings on the way to the school. He was like doing a milk advertisement, or something. Pretty cool.

    lol nice. Sounds like a great trip, especially that "amazing race" thing, where you got to explore the whole city. I love the way those big European cities look, really beautiful, can't wait to go to Europe someday.

  4. Dwight still thinks he can play:

    "He's still a big body. He's different than he was back in the day but he's still big. He can be a great fit for a team to help them win," Howard said of O'Neal


    "I think his presence in the locker room will be needed more than anything at this point in his career. If he would embrace whatever team he's on, he has a lot of knowledge and he could help a team grow."



    Look at Dwight, being all nice, even after Shaq was a mean jerk to him.

  5. http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/8416/kevinloveojmayo.jpg


    Alright, when the Wolves traded Mayo for Love, everyone thought the Wolves got ripped off bad. But now after watching each player for two seasons, what do you guys think?


    I'd rather have Love on the Magic. I think he'd fit beautifully next to Dwight. Good passer, great rebounder, and would allow us to move Rashard back to SF.


    I think Love is the better player right now as well. I think this season, he will establish himself as one of the best rebounders in the league.

  6. I don't know why some people are so down on the idea of playing in Canada. I would love to play in Canada if I were an NBA player. There's no reason right now to get rid of the Raptors, that's silly. Like the article said, they do pretty damn good in ticket sales even though the team itself isn't that good right now.


    And Mike and Mike shouldn't be taken seriously. I've watched them a few times, they don't seem like basketball guys to me.

  7. Unless maybe they ended it with him being crazy, just like Shutter Island, and his wife is actually alive this time. :P

    Not cool man. I haven't seen Shutter Island yet. You just ruined it for me didn't you? : (


    This movie was great though. Reminded me of one of Nolan's earlier movies, Memento.

  8. No he didn't, he specifically stated that "all that changed" when he went to the Knicks.


    Sorry Hayes, you'll have to excuse #1hustler. He says some very strange things.

    No he doesn't, hustler is cool. He's french canadian.


    Welcome Hayes, hope you like it here. You are a good lad.

  9. Funny a lot of people say Stephen Curry, he's one of the first people I thought of. I thought he would be ok but I thought he would average below 40% from the field.


    Players who I thought would be better than they are:


    Ike Diogu

    Sean May

    Rodney Carney

    Marco Belinelli (still can be good)

    Javaris Crittenton

    Acie Law

    Derrick Byars

    DJ Strawberry


    I've been right about a lot of players too, but I don't want to list them. But I will say I knew Rondo would be a good player, not as good as he is now, but I figured a 10/5/6 guy.

  10. NY can offer young talent, I don't see why NO would be interested in Jameer Nelson when have Darren Collison, or why they would be interested in being locked into that huge Gortat contract, when they can just keep Okafor. Terrible deal for NO IMO.


    NY can offer - Chandler + Gallo/Randolph + Curry expiring

    Jameer could be a valuable sixth man, one of the best shooting PG's in the league. And the Gortat contract isn't huge, the Okafor contract is huge, that's why they want to include him with CP3 in a deal. They could get around the same production from Gortat for a lot cheaper than Okafor. And Vince's expiring is bigger than Curry's, plus VC can still ball, give them 17/4/3.


    Chandler, Gallo, and Randolph are pretty nice pieces though. I don't know, Orlando still seems to have more to offer IMO.

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