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About Uptown

  • Birthday 07/15/1991

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  1. yeah i know, i have around 8 people i know that aren't on OTR that would be down, but it seems like not alot of people on here play madden anymore.
  2. Yeah, I'll probably make a few people an admin on the forums and online franchise so they can help me run it.
  3. Xbox 360 For those who remember me, I ran an online franchise when the game first came out and it lasted for a season before it died. Well I'm thinking about starting another one. This time it will be fantasy draft though. I'm still not positive if I wanna go through with it, but i'm posting here to see how many people would be interested. I already have around 6 friends who are down for it. I don't really have the time to chase people around to play their games like I did last time, so only post here if you plan to stay dedicated and play your games. Alot of people here joined and just BSed around and didn't play their games or they would join lose 3 in a row and quit. If you're the sore loser type don't waste my time. If I get enough interest, I'll probably start it up. I'm not gonna be chasing people around so if you want to keep the online franchise going it's on YOU to be active.
  4. We're in the playoffs right now. I'll get in contact with all of you guys once we're in the off-season.
  5. It's not like they have an unlimited amount of 360's to send out lol. They have a limit that's why all the things are sold out quick when they restock.
  6. All madden is easy once you get used to it. I was having trouble at first though.
  7. Around 5 teams are free. If anyone's interested just post here and I'll get in contact with you. We're on week 7 now.
  8. Steelers(1-0-1) the 1 at the end is a tie and Dolphins(0-2) are now free.
  9. Lol Texans are free now as well. I guess hutch just plays bums all day to pad his record but when he finally gets some competition and starts losing he just quits.
  10. I can't mess with the game speed. It's on normal and thats how it is on every online game. It doesn't give me an option to adjust game speed.
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