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Everything posted by bigdog17k

  1. I don't like either, Rotten Tomatoes tracks every critics opinion. If someone from homebeauty.com or something doesn't like the something about a film they can review negatively and it counts on RT.com. I like to be the judge, if I like something I like it, and recommend it. If not, I don't
  2. Quality film! High production value, spot on for the time era. Top notch acting by virtually everyone. Fantastic directing by Mann. Realistic. And some of the best gunshot sound effects I've ever heard in a movie. 5/5
  3. "I'm declaring America's first war on crime!" - Billy Crudup as J. Edgar Hoover (Public Enemies 2009)
  4. Whoa do you like this show too? I find it pretty interesting/entertaining
  5. Electric Light Orchestra - Confusion
  6. Going to see it later today, excited. Bale kicks [expletive]
  7. Yeah, well... this movie WAS a waste of time. Different stroke for different folks...
  8. LOL exactly, I don't sign any endorsements, so who cares...
  9. Just had 2 bowls of Apple Crisp instant oatmeal, the best
  10. Welcome my son, welcome to.... the MACHINE
  11. Being in a really hot room, with stale hot air, and no AC
  12. Not to mention the guy has been the same size his entire career
  13. This is coming from the guy who thinks Amare is the NBA's best bigman, just ignore it Swish...
  14. Tom Brady has high value, but not as high as it was a few years ago. Dwight Howard has really high value, young, really talented.
  15. She was really hot, that's nice. There are some really hot porn actresses too...
  16. Yeah some people put hotsauce on the side, or a bit on whatever they're eating. No, I marinate my food in it
  17. Just had some leftovers. Chicken smothered in hotsauce, with a side salad, and some veggie ramen noodles
  18. Yeah lol, I think because the program synced everything
  19. Awww man, it's the best, I'd put it on ice cream prolly...
  20. Public Enemies, Shutter Island, and Sherlock Holmes
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