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Everything posted by jhutch

  1. Just give me something similar and I'll have it up in no time.
  2. http://www.nflspot.com/public/style_images/5_nflspotbanner.png NFLSpot.com :: Formally home to over 3.5 million hits a month, 3,000 members, and over 300,000 posts before I shut it down a few years ago. We re-opened almost two months ago, taking a different missional route, but still focusing on intelligent football conversation. As of now, we have nearly 6,000 posts and over 90 members. We've got a full-fledged business plan that's been put in place to get us back on top in no time - hoping to give jobs to several football fans in many different areas. We are in phase 1 of our business plan, and have made significant strides already. We'd love for you to be a part of our NEW growing football community! Get on the train early.
  3. I had just started college and just didn't have the time I needed to make it grow. Then we started running into some problems (similar to what you guys are running into I believe). I just decided that instead of sitting back and watching it die, it would be wiser to shut it down now, then open it back up later when I had the time to do it right. So, I'm graduating in December and decided now would be the time to bring it back. We've been back for 2 months and have hit higher marks than we did in the last year NFLSpot was around - so I'm pretty glad I made the decision. Working hard now to get us back on top. I'd love to do a simple link trade for now, but if you are interested, I've got some big plans that I'd love for you guys to be a part of. I've watched this site from a distance since 2006 and have always been impressed with the way you go about things, and are always on the edge with features and what not. That's why I believe in this site. There's too much potential for it to go to waste. I'd love to come alongside and help out in whatever way that I can. I think that we could do some big things together if you had any interest in going down that route.
  4. I've been on OTR since it began. I was here back in 2006. I started my own NFL forum back during the same time and we worked together. I'd really like to do that again.

  5. Hey man, I actually made a post about this a couple weeks ago. I'd love to become affiliates again - NFLSpot.com Don't meet the requirements, but hopefully you remember what we were back in the day. Just re-opened 2 months ago, on our way back to the top. Let me know if that's something you're interested in.
  6. Glad to see that this place is still up and running! The place looks great. I've always admired and respected the work put into the place, as I've expressed before (a few years ago) Anyways, I'd love to become an affiliate if you guys still have that option. Or do some sort of link swap. My website, NFLSpot.com has made its return after 3 years! Formally home to over 3,000 members and over 300,000 posts before I shut it down. We just re-opened 2 weeks ago, taking a different missional route, focusing on intelligent conversation. As of now, we have over 2,300 posts and nearly 70 members. We plan to be back on top in no time - as we've made significant strides already. Still a long ways to go though, as you'll see if you visit our forums. However, we'd love to affiliate with you guys sooner than later. Thanks!
  7. Thanks guys! Any assistance about becoming affiliates would be great
  8. Nice to see everyone again. And RealDeal, I'm really sorry about the crap you've been going through. It takes a sick person to do something like that. Hope everything is going well now. What happened to my old account? haha I'm actually just checking in real quick to see if you guys would like to be affiliates with my message board located at http://spot-forums.com Also, if anyone would like to talk with me, you can chat with me just about anything you want on AIM: My screen name is NFLSpot - I may have some unique opportunities for any football fan Thanks! Let me know about the affiliation and I'll get your link up today
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