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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. Why would Magic do this? They could have got soo much more for him imo.
  2. Lol I was just about to post this. Still don't know how he's averaging 33% from three.
  3. That one ref has been real quick on giving technicals out today.
  4. Amazing play today by Houston all together. Parsons Lin and especially Harden came to prove a point today and that's what they did.
  5. Kobe takes a charge and then dives for the ball. God damn wtf is going on.
  6. HOLY SHIT!! The lakers are playing some amazing defense right now.
  7. Hopefully Cousins ignorance is easy to take off him also. He has made a few bonehead plays.
  8. Talking about getting smacked so far. Knicks are broke as [expletive] lol
  9. Exactly why go for him when you have Thompson playing so well.
  10. Damn it's like someone [expletive]kkked his face up hardcore.
  11. Hey dieing isn't funny, what was funny was the irony of the add.
  12. That would be cooler have them catch and shoot instead of picking up. I actually would prefer it this way. Also it wouldn't hurt to get more players involved.
  13. Dont know if this has been posted yet or not. http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/x/www.thehollywoodgossip.com/assets.thehollywoodgossip.com/photos/xlarge_l/xoscar-pistorius-nike-ad.jpg.pagespeed.ic.ckWuXGB-Oa.jpg
  14. http://www.cnn.com/2013/02/15/world/europe/russia-meteor-shower/index.html?hpt=hp_c1
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