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Posts posted by EastCoastNiner

  1. Wait...didn't he acknowledge her existence a few times before?


    Honestly, my mind is full of F*** right now.


    Apparently he never actually ever met her, or he had met her multiple times and was somehow "duped" for three years. None of those make sense.


    The Notre Dame message boards are hilarious right now. Denial, blame, excuses. :lol: .

  2. https://www.facebook.com/NDFootball/posts/553537038009180


    ]Notre Dame Statement: Manti Te’o


    On Dec. 26, Notre Dame coaches were informed by Manti Te’o and his parents that Manti had been the victim of what appears to be a hoax in which someone using the fictitious name Lennay Kekua apparently ingratiated herself with Manti and then conspired with others to lead him to believe she had tragically died of leukemia. The University immediately initiated an investigation to assist Manti and his family in discovering the motive for and nature of this hoax. While the proper authorities will continue to investigate this troubling matter, this appears to be, at a minimum, a sad and very cruel deception to entertain its perpetrators.


    Dennis Brown

    University Spokesman | Assistant Vice President




  3. lol wtf? This shit is all over my twitter feed.


    So, I read the article, but I really am not that familiar with the story in the past...let me get this straight: This girlfriend he supposedly had and passed away, never existed...at all? And he confirmed he dated 'this girl?'



    From another site:



    -No record of death, funeral, or obituaries

    -No record of auto accident

    -No record of a "Lennay Kekua" attending Stanford

    -Photographs used by media were actually of another woman who does not know Manti




    Not to mention a few beat writers from ND are now saying there was never even a mention of him having a girlfriend before her "death".


    Up until recently, the girl from California had no clue her pictures were being used as Te'o's "girlfriend".




    This all seems too weird........

  4. The proposals were terrific. If the main idea is to help stop national gun tragedies such as Aurora or Netown, a lot of this stuff makes sense to me.


    Right, lets focus on incidents that don't happen nearly as often as other more common and deadly incidents.


    Makes sense.



    Can you please explain to me what constitutes an assault riffle? I'll let you google it because I know you're a typical Obama nut-hugging sheep that actually has no clue what it is.

  5. So...


    1) Re-ban on assault weapons (Clinton era)

    2) Background checks on all gun purchases

    3) More funds for mental illness

    4) More funds for school safety


    I don't see the problem here. Where did he overstep the Constitution? Will you be able to buy a gun?


    I just find it amusing, that's all...that people think they need 5-10 full automatics to protect themselves from home intruders.


    I guess if you're Jesse Ventura and Ted Nugent, you'll need an array of weapons, tanks, fighter jets, and drones to overcome that inevitable government hostile takeover. :lol:


    Well, since you always love to overlook facts and what's actually happening, let me help you.


    The last ban did absolutely NOTHING. Nothing at all. Please, find me something credible that states otherwise.



    We have the right to bear arms, to protect ourselves from our government, and protect our well-being.



    I hope you don't have multiple people break into your house one day and pop you ten times in the chest because you didn't have a gun or couldn't hold enough bullets in it.



    Do you mind telling me how long most democracies/republics last? You're so keen on believing that no country can be overtaken or turned upside down.

  6. It's worse that it wasn't a Spurs home game. Spurs fans in Miami only get 1 chance a year to see them, and they didn't get to see their 3 best players, as well as one of their top role players. Not because they were unable to play. And the rest thing really should only apply to Duncan and maybe Ginobili, but definitely not Parker and Green. It was a statement by Pop, and while I think Stern shouldn't be fining Pop over 200k for it, I would be furious as a fan. If nothing else, those fans should get some kind of refund...they wouldn't have had to premium for a game against a bottom-feeder like Washington or Toronto, so why should they have to pay top price for Spurs team that rolled out a lineup with that kind of talent?


    The fans pay to see a TEAM. Go ahead and make your argument that they go to see certain players, but at the end of the day, it was a SPURS and HEAT game.


    The Spurs almost won that game, so there is absolutely no basis to these frivolous claims this idiot is making. None whatsoever.


    The mindset he has and the one you are using right now is what's hurting our country. There is legitimately no rational basis to suing a team that won it's [expletive]ing game.


    The ticket doesn't say you're going to see Duncan, Parker, and Ginobili. It says you're going to see the Spurs and Heat.








    Edit: If you were him, would you be suing, yes or no? I'm not asking whether or not you understand his position, but whether or not you would join his lawsuit.

  7. No. This is like watching the trailers starring Al Pacino with Scorsese directing, and getting Gigli.




    This is like going to see Packers-Patriots in week 3, and getting the backups for 80% of the starting positions on one of those teams.




    The money this guy probably spent more money on those tickets than 90% of people here make in like 3-4 months. There was no reason to bench all 4 of the players he did. It made it blatantly obvious his intentions.


    Cool, it wasn't a Spurs home game. There's no need to be suing them or the Heat.


    Try again.

  8. You are both awful just stop lol


    Oh, yeeeahh nikka. Muh boi n i be dominion at Madden. Dawg, I ken lite da score up on ya azz cuz. Yeeea son, lemme tri n act all hood.


    Sound familiar?

  9. I felt it was crazy for Stern to fine Pop 250k for resting them, but I understand this from a fan's point of view...if I was there, I would have been furious.




    I go to a movie and don't like, but want to sue because the trailers for the movie looks good.


    I go to a football game, billed as a battle of two offensive power houses, and it ends up being a low scoring game. I want my money back for false advertising.




  10. I'm an everyday citizen, and I've never had to confront a criminal with a gun (or a weapon of any kind) before, nor have I chased after anyone who could be armed.


    Have you?



    No they don't. They also don't have the same training and same testing (mental health).



    Strong lies.


    You don't face the possibility of someone assaulting you? You don't face the possibility of someone harming you?


    There's a difference between having an opinion and flat out lying, and you both are much more on the later.


    The fact of the matter is, everyday citizens face similar dangers to those of police officers, and that's just a fact. If you want to deny that, you're lying and I can show you thousands of articles of robberies, assaults, etc.


    Stop lying.

  11. Oh, look, New York, the most unconstitutional state in the entire country passed a shitty bill regarding guns today.





    The following are now Assault weapons...











    I'm looking forward to the excuses when crime rate increases in New York, that is if you haven't been popped by a criminal by then because you couldn't protect yourself.

  12. I don't know enough about that particular gun to answer that. If an AR-15 is the one I can go out and buy myself, then I'm likely going to tell you that, yes, cops should be able to have those. But does that mean I think I should be able to buy it in the first place AND that cops should carry them? Not necessarily.


    Yes, that's one of the guns people have been crying about people being able to purchase.


    Now, since you said you would likely tell me yes in this situation, why would you not allow everyday citizens to have one? Do they not face the same everyday dangers that police officers face?

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