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Everything posted by kingfish

  1. Honestly dont know which team I want to win. Id say Miami but idk, would be funny to see Boston win.
  2. Philly has just as much a chance against Miami as Boston does. They can put Iggy on Lebron and that would wear him out over a series. They need an answer for Wade but im not sure who else they have that could contain him, Evan Turner? Jrue Holliday will also have a pretty good matchup with Chalmers. If Miami had Bosh theyd be the easy favorites. I just hope anyone but Boston wins, still hate them the most.
  3. Hahaha. Sucks for Miami. Theyre gonna be really thin in the frontcourt for game 6. Glad the league got this right though.
  4. Hes the highest payed player in the league and a five time champ. He must be very angry. You are so smart.
  5. We havent shown up in an elimination game in ages. Last year lost to Dallas by 30, 08 lost to Boston by 40. Im thinkin we can stretch that to 50 tonite. :glasses:
  6. Bron is playing really well, like how hes getting great looks in the post. Id put Hansborough on him and just let him shoot jumpers all game.
  7. Love watching this Pacers team play. So underrated.
  8. Yep. Durant is better. Youre wrong.
  9. Ive always felt that this was the case. He is just a much better scorer, can beat you in so many ways. Hes no slouch defensively, and hes a terrific rebounder. Only thing Lebron has over him is court vision. Durant is so much more clutch as well. What do you think?
  10. Closeout games are easy though. OKC will jump on us in the beginning and the Lakers will just fold.
  11. The only time I have problems is when I sleep.
  12. Keep tellin yourself that. Same story every season.
  13. Not gonna be watchin this one. Got better things to do.
  14. Brown still does some retarded things, dont get carried away. Like having Blake out there to end the game. And putting Blake on Westbrook. Also Devin Ebanks and Goudelock rotting on the bench.
  15. Basically gave this game away. Careless passes. Oh well this team deserves to lose, hopefully next season we bring in some players who have a brain. And a coach too.
  16. The movies plot was pretty atrocious. It never really seemed like they were fighting anything, and none of the heroes took Loki seriously at all except for Thor. TDKR will be way better.
  17. Well, are you? And if so against whom?
  18. Better question is why the hell did Granger make that pass. Should have gone in and dunked it.
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