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Everything posted by Flight

  1. Jupiter's gonna be pissed.
  2. I really wanna say the orange boys take this one home, but I think Spain wins 3-2 in an exciting game, even though 2-1 is more likely. I'm gonna go with my weirdo freak predictions. Torres is gonna score a goal and get of the schneid.
  3. Damn that's awesome. This could save billions of lives over the course of the next hundred years if things continue like they are.
  4. I don't have enough time haha. If you want a GM that's only on there like twice a week I can do it but I'm worthless haha.
  5. YES. I didn't want to have to root for a Yankee I love Cano, but he doesn't seem like a HR derby type guy to me.
  6. I love this kid, I think he's gonna be a very good defender and playmaker off the bench.
  7. He's officially going to play in the NBA next year. Can we please just not post stupid [expletive] about where he's going and wait another 2 hours? I've seen a rumor about him being almost sure to sign with every team out there at this point I think...
  8. Nah, if this happens I'm kinda excited to see how 3 of the top 5 or so young players mesh together for the next 6 years or however long it'll be. Although with the way stuff is now, I think him going to the Knicks or Nets would be my favorite outcome, it leaves the league open but makes the East equal with the West really among top teams.
  9. Thanks man, if I was a Kobe fan I could say the same to you maybe... haha

  10. I've never seen Scream, so I just watched the youtube video of the opening scene up until he throws the TV or whatever through the door... pretty scary haha.
  11. Raspberry vod is really good. And no, I'm sober right now.
  12. Twilight. Worst acting ever, it's scary they made sequels.
  13. 35% Heat 30% Cavaliers 20% Knicks 15% Nets I really have no [expletive]ing clue.
  14. I just don't like him as a player, he seems way too needy on offense, like he can't do anything unless he has the ball in his hands, and his defense seems laxidasical. I don't like his off-court problems either, in the past or not. That said, having 3 legit scorers along with a potential inside defensive force makes me excited.
  15. I don't really like Beasley, or Chalmers much but if this happened I'd be happy.
  16. I love it. Jupiter makes it for me.
  17. Does it? I haven't kept up on much, but I think they can still sign a max. It's unlikely LeBron wants to be with Boozer and Rose over his other options, but hey.
  18. Favorite team: SF Giants Rival team: LA Dodgers Respected player: Matt Kemp http://www.firstclassfashionista.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Rihanna-and-Matt-Kemp-Sightings.jpg Why: He's poundin Rihanna. And he's good.
  19. hye. wen i was college iw as in a baksetball. it was a nice game. Thanks for your post. Free Homes/Basketballs
  20. Same haha, I gave up then scrolled down to realize I wasn't too crazy.
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