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Posts posted by deestillballin

  1. Given that LeBron and Wade aren't that great playing off the ball, and Kobe and Shaq won three rings working together, and Nash needs the ball more than Kidd does, it's the first team for me.


    Plus, let's face the facts: if LeBron and Wade aren't able to get to the rim, they are done. With Kobe and Kidd defending the perimeter, and Shaq's 356-pound big ass in the paint, the game is over.



    This. Team 1 no question!

  2. This is just becoming stupid. Cleveland, and all Ohio for that matter need to get the hell over LeBron leaving. They are so [expletive]ing obsessed with him it's pathetic.


    Also, I wouldn't be surprised at all if the Heat win it all next year and the start of a dynasty begins. Seriously, Cleveland and people in general need to get over it.


    LeBron spoiled their asses for years, so they can go watch the rest of their shitty ass teams.



    Im a Mavs fan and I have to agree....

  3. Hey, we still won it in 06 and you guys had to wait 5 years to get back, so enjoy it. Hopefully there is a rematch next year so I can post all these gifs if we win.


    Yup and we won it when you had your big three.. I aint said nothing all series you were all laughs and giggles when you stomped your way through the playoffs and I said nothing,, just like Wades celebration 3 , in game 2. Yall are now looking like booboo the [expletive]in fool. hahaaa. You can NOT get mad cause the better team won.


    Further more.. that was then this is now.. we are the CURRENT champions now..

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