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Everything posted by Abro

  1. Im kind of on the fence this actually.. In a way its just an easy thing to say just to go along with something that has been discussed many times by espn, Jesse Jackson, etc. But on the other hand. I think it could also be a race thing.. I think tht like espn said once.. That alot of this "race" factor comes into play after Dan Gilberts letter.. Ive heard that alot of black people feel tht they need to defend LeBron because of everything between Dan's comments and also Jesse's comments. With this kinda thing every little thing comes into play.
  2. Lol gotta love KG! But ur right.. Wen he starts getting overly agressive and does tht kinda stuff in games its a bad thing.
  3. Call me stupid if u want lol but wat did Jalen say exactly?
  4. Lol yeah i dont think anybody can win any arguements on that topic. I just dont like people talking smack to a good fan for no reason if u can possibly see where im coming from..? And for the record.. I AM NOT A HEAT BANDWAGON FAN! Lol figured id emphasize tht one more time
  5. yeah i agree that not every player has the right rating in my mind. just a few notables: Dorrel Wright, Eric Dampier, Joel Anthony, etc.. but for the most part i feel that they are decent, obviously not even 90% accurate, but still decent.. so I'm satisfied.
  6. there's no reason for him to play the 4 because of both Thompson and Landry. he could be effective at the four if he lost weight and if he was drafted by a team that really needed a 4 but the Kings don't need a 4 so they should like u said "breed" him to be a 5 because he can still be a dominant 5 in the league within the next few years. Plus if he played the four it wouldn't leave many minutes for the other 4's they have which i think I've pretty much already stated.
  7. I can really see Wright getting quite a few minutes this season for sure. his defense and versatility is great, he shoots well, is a great ball handler and passer as well so i can see him eating up more minutes than Reggie Williams. i can really see him being a point forward and feeding the ball to Curry and Ellis for some easy dimes as well being that both Ellis and Curry have a scoring mentality. I hope this is his year.
  8. It sounds pretty good that Vince is working hard to get in shape. i really can't see him playing at the all star level though at least not in the way he once was.. but he can still play pretty well for losing most of his athleticism. if he has a good year especially in the playoffs, the magic will have a good year.
  9. this would be pretty sweet to see Darko hopefully finally developing into the player he could be. i really hope he learns to be effective on the offensive side of the floor too because he has the possibility of being a pretty good center in the league. I'm hoping for the best.
  10. Vince Carter for sure. Thats how he made his name so widely known. By being just nasty and creative with his dunks. His athletisism was off the charts aswell.
  11. Okay but tht analogy is stupid.. Because the evidence doesnt matchup. What Poe was saying is actually legit his evidence coincided with what his opinion was. I started this? lol ur the one that came in here talking [expletive] about another fan who i believe to be complete with evidence and good opinions in most situations. But im not going to play tht childish game of "Who started it first" and so what if i joined then? Whats ur point? If u think im just jumping on the bandwagon then u are greatly mistaken u can even ask Poe because ive been a Heat fan for quite a while. I am just new to this site which i have explained before when i first joined.. And btw.. I do think that the Heat could contend without lbj but they would most likely be like a 3-4th seed in the east..
  12. Its what he thinks dude if u dont [expletive]ing like it than dont GO TO THE HEAT FORUM AND READ THE THREADS! Or at least argue why and stuff dont just insult him u [expletive]. And he never said that the wade/lebron duo is better he said that the trio is better which is hard to argue with because OBVIOUSLY 3>2 and if u think that 2 players r better than 3 especially all 5 of tht caliber players u need to get ur mind checked. And no im nit gunna GTFO because im a Heat fan and THIS IS A HEAT FORUM! And what the [expletive] is the matter with u? Telling someone to do that is extremely immature and looks extremely bad for your intelectual prowess. Seriously grow up... If you dont lile looking at Heat threads then y come onto this forum which is a HEAT forum and read the threads?! It doesnt make sense to me.
  13. So because he has an opinion and has stats to back up his opinion n such Poe is talking all BIG and hes all HIGH n MIGHTY?! Dude please.. If all ur gunna do is come into a Heat forum and bash Heat fans because we are excited about this team and Poe answers questions tht he believes to be true u seriously need to GTFO.
  14. Okay.. He already said tht he didnt want to play center wen he got there and if he doesnt want to i dont think spo will make him play the C much at all but if the Heat have tht much depth at the C then he wont have to.. even Haslem can and will play the C if asked to.. He is a very accommodating as a player. So i cant see bosh playing the C much at all actually
  15. Okay well since we will NEVER see the trio vs. The duo it means tht we can only go on stats.. And since we're only comparing the 5 players.. I still cant see how the 3 couldnt beat the 2 since the stats kill kobe and shaq since all we can base this off of is stats.. I still cant see how Poe has Homer glasses on i just think ur all blinded and basing off of what kobe and shaq have accomplished which shouldnt be a factor in this comparison.
  16. Im dead serious.. Nobody could guard dwade or lebron on their respective teams n now tht they are put together nobody will be able to, then throw bosh in the mix who is a 20/10 player? Thts dangerous.
  17. The Heat 3 easily.. Its barely a comparison imo u have Wade and LeBron who isnt a different LeBron than we saw the last few seasons.. Then u throw Bosh into the mix? Its The Heat easy.
  18. Wow if this signing does indeed happen it will be great for the Heat. We will have 3 legit centers to eat up all the minutes at tht position so Bosh will never have to play there if he doesnt want to, which he's already stated.. Nevertheless.. If the Heat sign Dampier it will be awesome, the guys past his prime but he can still play on both ends of the court. This team looks so legit right now its not even funny.
  19. Heat are the best team in the league now and will be for a long time.
  20. Im soo excited to see my team do work this season! im always excited for the NBA season to start and to watch Miami compete but this year i am SO STOKED! For obvious reasons lol itll be awesome to see them play this year!
  21. yeah.. Dudes a real thug.. So much of a thug tht he got beat by his girlfriend and was cryin about it. Just responding to the picture not ur words bro haha.
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