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Everything posted by Young&Reckless

  1. It really does bother me when people are like that. It just doesn't make sense, I believe for sure must people started watching sports from their home teams.
  2. http://counterkicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Nike-Zoom-Kobe-VI-6-Black-Del-Sol-Dark-Grey-White-1.jpg Release Date: December 26, 2010 Nike releasing the sixth shoe of the Kobe series. To be honest, I really don't believe the support of this shoe will beat the Kobe V's. The design from its side looks really nice. Hopefully I'll try to check out these shoes and try it on myself, don't think this shoe will be expensive. What are some of your thoughts on these shoes though?
  3. I'll try asking RD if he can make it just a little bit bigger, making it smaller will ruin the quality and I rather not head back into PS and redo every single little thing again. I'm not trying to [expletive] haha, but, its just the way how it is.
  4. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U1278-1286672979.png
  5. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U1278-1286671767.png
  6. 5 out of 10 of Jordan Challenges I finished, really hate doing the series one but hopefully I finish it.
  7. I already know a couple of people have request signatures, but I please ask you if you can reply below with your request again if you can. It just seems a bit more comfortable for me and easy, I rather not check my messages every day. Anyways, this is my personal request thread. Avatars or signatures, as long as I receive credit, all what I ask for. Other than that, only two request a week please ( 2 signatures, 2 avatars). I have been busy week after week and it really does piss me off when users request something each and everyday for some stupid reason. Be patient, and don't go editing your post about what you want within the next 24 hours. I don't wanna have to make your request you wanted, and then you switching it. So be sure you are really SURE with what you want. Once I finish your request, be responsible to pick up your request. I will only be posting with signatures in this thread, if questions or anything else just contact me. Sorry for my terrible English.
  8. For the Kobe Bryant one, I wouldn't say it is bad but it could use some additions and adjustments. Its a bit low quality, and the text isn't working. I really do love the creativity and idea. Also for Lady Gaga, very creative and nice.
  9. I was wondering if I could change my name to Chef Pooh.

  10. To be honest, I don't even know how to say this word and probably is one of the most longest/largest word for me. Anyways, I find this interesting but seriously LMFAO.
  11. Newest to old, I'll take request. Gallery will be updated every once in awhile, if you want, take one. Just be sure to give credit, thanks. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U1278-1286143329.png http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U1278-1285999293.png http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U1278-1285552071.png http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U1278-1285634472.png http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U1278-1285125400.png http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U1278-1284784664.png http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U1278-1284536958.png http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U1278-1284409158.png http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U1278-1284263990.png http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U1278-1284213685.png http://i56.tinypic.com/2jdnsip.png Yes, I know some of these signatures are a total fail because of the text. ''KENJON'' and the Black Milk one isn't Black Milk. LOL.
  12. http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U1278-1286237329.png I can throw in the words you wanted in if you want, I made this signature like a week ago.
  13. If you hated a team so much from winning over and over again that is just a stupid reason to be honest. Find a way to stop them, talking and trying to make people agree with you isn't good help LOL.
  14. Did I just hear that LeBron has some rings? Lol.
  15. Lol at Dwyane Wade blocking the kid and trying to show off and thinking hes the best.
  16. Here is the first attempt of the OTR T-Shirt I made, fail attempt ha. http://i31.tinypic.com/aay8ol.jpg
  17. I feel a bit worried about going inside to the basketball and then falling and having to break my ankles or feet. I also find these a bit interesting..... http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs103.ash2/38469_136217116413459_100000755142664_158885_1400903_n.jpg
  18. Well, lets just say this. How did your performance change with your other basketball shoes compared to the Kobe V's?
  19. Do you think that I should bar lace my shoes or should I crisscross but make the laces a bit wider and when I put them on just tie them up?
  20. Real, I have decided to bar lace my shoes. Once I did that, I put it on and it feels great and so damn comfortable but when I move that heal is the problem. I think that once I go on the court, I could possibly break my feet or so because it isn't tight enough. It has a little space, does the shoe lock-down even though your feet and the shoe has a bit of space in it?
  21. Well, when I tie it looks huge and hangs off a bit. I try looking at tons of performance video but I believe I need to go in deeper and see what the real experience when first wearing these shoes and how it will change your game performance of basketball.
  22. I'm guessing wear Nike socks? My feet are wide though, so I believe socks don't do anything. I'll try the shoes laces suggestion though, also do you tie your shoes or do you put them under?
  23. By the way, check out the $144 Kobe V's I got. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs129.snc4/36797_136205796414591_100000755142664_158819_1007219_n.jpg
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