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Nestle Snipes

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Everything posted by Nestle Snipes

  1. We should have gotten a PG and Derrick Brown is getting better and better!
  2. Watching this on CNN, this is amazing and there is no real words to describe the epicness.
  3. He looks way out of shape too, I loved his game in college but at this rate I'd be shocked if LB keeps him.
  4. I like him getting it better than Perez and some other inexperienced as far as HC goes candidates that have been mentioned, Gonzo will bunt a runner over, steal, whatever it takes to manufacture a run and that I like, he also got a raw deal in Fla, they took that bum Hanley's side after he punished him and also it always seemed like one of his star pitchers was always hurt.
  5. They have an idiot OC and bum coach so I'm going to say no.
  6. I thought he looked pretty good, I hope we give him a chance, I don't think we have much to lose in investing in the future now.
  7. http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2010/10/12/1756000/bobcats-newcomers-brown-livingston.html
  8. With You and Right Above It are the only two tracks that I've heard personally but I like them.
  9. We will know more about their make up very soon, If they lose to the Panthers coming up soon then they may as well hang up their cleats!
  10. NBA Games attended in your life: 2 If a quiz is quizzical, whats a test?: testicle Your dream place to live? Miami You have 300,000$ and HAVE to buy 3 things, what are they? A house for mom, that is all Favorite Color? Black Do you like Smirnoff? I used to drink them like in middle school Favorite TV show: The Big Bang Theory Favorite kind of movies:(ex. comedy, horror) comedy Favorite sports game:NBA2K You are forced to change your religion or find one, and it could be anyone apart from your own, what would you choose: I don't choose to change! Favorite staff member not named Real Deal:ABL Main hobby?Sleeping & Basketball Republican or Democrat: N/A Favorite menu item at any fast food place Tex Mex Nachoes Worst injury? Severely sprained ankle How old were you when you got your license? 19, It was only second attemt I have strict parents. Chess or Checkers? Checkers Biggest Bandwagoner on OTR? #1hustler I know he's banned If you had to make a flag, what are the 3 colors you would choose: Black, Gold, & Orange Most boring college course (or high school class) taken: Home Economics Have you been sober @ school 100% of the time? Yes Size of your HDTV? 47' OTR's most annoying member?N/A Furthest place you've traveled? Florida What MP3 player do you have? iPod Classic 180 GB Favorite member on OTR? Everybody What internet browser do you use? IE 3 brands of clothing you wear the most (ex DC, DGK, Fubu, Armani, etc): Levi's, Tommy, and Nike Dream job? Football coach Favorite genre/subgenre of music? Rap / Hip Hop Favorite internet meme? Getting girl advice on the old OTR before server change Player you have hated the most that has played for your team in any sport? Rasheed Wallace Favorite card game? Solitaire Most recently purchased console game? NBA 2K Favorite computer game of all time? The Sims You are allowed to make 2 changes at OTR, what are they? Bring in more pro wrestling fans and focus on all sports a little more If you could appoint anyone to be a mod, who would it be(apart from yourself)? AI #1 Fan, Confidence Have you been to jail? No but I used to work at one How many siblings do you have? 1 older brother You are allowed to change your first name, what would you choose? Jay In your opinion, where do the prettiest girls come from (country or city works)? Florida What foreign sport have you always been interested in (rugby, cricket, handball, Jai alai, etc.) none Tic tacs or Gum GuM Should Puerto Rico be the 51st state? no When you turned 18/21 did you buy cigarettes/alcohol for the hell of it? Yes to both 3 funniest OTR members? Flash, Real Deal, AI#1fan How many texts do you send on average a week? 350 Favorite canned food? Spaghettios Black socks or white socks? White If you were a sports player, what # jersey would you want? 1 for football and 3 for basketball
  11. From what I understand he is being held out the entire preseason because of his injury history.
  12. That is the Campbell that I know, consistency is all Da Raiderz need in the passing game!
  13. Hickson is going to be a BEAST he had 11 and 9 boards in 19 minutes!
  14. Even if so they have been known to play pretty well with him out of the lineup for short periods of time!
  15. I like his game but if he doesn't want to be in our team then screw him!
  16. Yes Georgia looked very good today regardless of opponent.
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