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The Crew

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Posts posted by The Crew

  1. The render looks cool with the lighting/other effects...btw what's a player league?


    A player league is a league where a simulator is used and you make a player, and do point tasks to get points to add to their ratings to improve them. This one was made for a combination baseball, football, basketball and MMA league (it's a big cluster[expletive] :P).

  2. Not hockey, but it's still for a sim league, and it's my favorite.




    Other recent work:











  3. We'll see about that this year. Players on the Patriots defense that juice have been suspended, so it's only a matter of time before the Packers have about six suspensions on defense this season.


    Then, they won't be able to stop a paper cut. The Patriots have to play.....real teams. They don't play cream puffs like the NFC North, the same division they shit on last year.


    This is the Patriots year, and a new dynasty will be formed.


    Brady will win MVP again, Manning will have his place BEHIND Brady for sure, and the Patriots will dominate this season.


    I think that the Packers have proved that even missing many key defenders, their unit was still good enough to do well. The Patriots, on the other hand, haven't proven the same. That being said, I do see improvement coming from their defense. I don't think it'll be enough to propel them to undefeated status, but just judging between Belichick's excellent handling of young players and the talent they have (at least based on draft spot), they look to be in a position to improve.


    I do, however, feel that the Patriots will end up regretting passing on Ingram for Vereen and more picks.

  4. http://i56.tinypic.com/24ni8f9.png


    I know it's too bright, the original version was actually:




    I ended up submitting the top one as my point task and got a 5.25/6. :wacko:


    I still love it anyway. The whole idea was for it to start sort of simple and then all of a sudden become crazier as it moves to the right, with it ending as if the 'normality' of the sig is chipping away, revealing a crazy influx of colors. But the metaphor didn't get through, I suppose. :(

  5. u need text dummy!


    Not necessarily, almost everyone knows who it is in the sig. There are some sigs that are so amazing that text would only bring them down (this isn't one of them, but still).

  6. Anyone else read it? It's a website with comedy articles, and there's some really good content on there. My favorite article by far is: http://www.cracked.com/blog/why-you-should-wear-diapers-to-south-by-southwest/


    Dan O'Brien in general is hilarious. This one is awesome as well: http://www.cracked.com/blog/my-brief-time-as-rudolphs-best-friend/


    So yeah, anyone else read Cracked? Who are your favorite writers/what are your favorite articles?

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