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Brand New

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Everything posted by Brand New

  1. http://homepage.mac.com/yingloon/images/bonds_syringe.jpg http://www.strangesports.com/images/content/128827.jpg oh this?
  2. http://content.costco.com/Images/Content/Product/12529b.jpg Bottle of juice? Everybody has had a bottle of juice silly!
  3. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2396/1525400380_b12b0cce7a.jpg Manny has that, what does Sandoval have? Food? http://i42.tinypic.com/14b2m3a.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/14xjyvb.jpg
  4. http://i40.tinypic.com/evc4g0.gif http://i44.tinypic.com/sy0d21.jpg
  5. Yeah, he strikeout twice. Both were weak calls. People are just out to get Manny now..
  6. let me stroke ur penis bro

  7. Thanks to me. I'm the one sending money to your mama.
  8. The LA Memorial Coliseum is nasty lol. Been to: Staples Center Dodger Stadium Petco Park The Forum LA Memorial Coliseum Home Depot Center Want to visit: New Yankee Stadium Fenway Wrigley Field Madison Square Garden Qualcomm Stadium
  9. How am I a homer if I'm saying that Mark Reynolds should be in the last roster spot.
  10. Matt Kemp Russell Martin Manny Ramirez Chad Billingsley Clayton Kershaw
  11. Pablo Sandoval? You serious? If anybody deserves the last spot in the NL its Mark Reynolds. 24 HR's 61 RBI's 53 Runs and 13 SB. Beats Pablo Sandoval. Stop being homers.
  12. Paul Pierce Manu Ginobili Kevin Garnett
  13. Yeah from what I heard he [expletive]ed your mom and Yama's mom.
  14. Vote for Matt Kemp for the last spot. All Star voting is always a joke. Why are people surprise.
  15. You're stupid. Torri Hunter shouldn't be there? Do you just post random crap just to get your post count up? When there is guys like Jason Schimdt and Barry Zito who absolutely shouldn't be there. Torri Hunter should be there. He's done a lot for the Angels and has had a great season so far. I swear you have to be one of the stupidest people here.
  16. The ending was dumb. All you do is just shot the guy and you beat the game. Pretty stupid. But the game is fun, you could get people drunk, get married and have kids. Buy certain property and make people pay a lot of rent. Its a lot of fun.
  17. Nice. We get Artest, and some other team overpays for Trevor.
  18. Ariza is going to be in the bench. Unless you guys move him to another position?
  19. I remember when Clevelands Finest said Big Z > Pau.
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