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The Next Knick

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Posts posted by The Next Knick

  1. I can't be more satisfied with how we've been playing. Obviously the Lakers were fatigued, but does that make this victory any less satisfying? Hell no. If people still want to hate on Lin, than there's no point in arguing. He's doing what it takes to get us the win, and that reverse layup is a killer. The Lakers made it obvious they were going to let him shoot in the beginning, and when they did, he knocked down 4 of his first 5 jumpers. I'm hoping when Melo gets back he realizes we have to play team ball to win. I'm not questioning A'mare, and Novak has been really stepping up lately. He was grabbing boards and doing a little more than hit some treys. Definitely most fun game to watch of the year.

  2. The intelligent offensive player Lin is really came into play tonight. He picked apart the Nets defense, and really worked the ball nicely. Obviously he isn't our long term solution, but until Davis gets healthy or we trade for someone like Nash, he can offer a lot at PG. I'm not a huge fan of TD and think Iman Shumpert has a lot of learning to do at the Point.

  3. Well, supposedly hacked, although I still have a suspicion that our server (from our old host) blew, and they weren't providing backups like they were supposed to do each day. Never really got an explanation as to why they couldn't give me a backup of the database. According to them, it was an SQL injection that made it's way through our FTP...however that seems to work, strikes me as odd because that's all they told me, and they wouldn't give me an IP address of the last person accessing the FTP.


    I forgot what member it was now, but someone said that they were reading an off-topic thread on another board, and two members from there were bragging about hacking OTR...but I never saw the posts, so I'm not sure how legitimate that was.

    Ah, that was it! I just remember being a freshman in high school getting ready to go to one of my first Knicks game and reading a huge thread about getting hacked. Crazy how so many people are still here, and we're still going strong.

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