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Everything posted by Cobb

  1. I'm pretty sure the Lakers forum had over 50K posts after the finals game threads.
  2. Both would be fine but I'd prefer Megan Fox.
  3. I think it'd be a cool idea, especially with all the members we've got.
  4. I hope it's not too much more money but then again I think we'd be screwed without him so I'd be fine if we overpaid him. Glad to see were getting people signed so fast.
  5. I put it like that.

  6. Well, they just announced that it was a murder suicide. Here's some more information: Source: USA Today
  7. Both, but mainly the called strike. As for the ejection, I don't think he should've been thrown out. I know he threw his elbow pad up in the air but it was like 10 feet away from the umpire.
  8. I only got to watch the first 5 minutes sinc ESPN doesn't show all of it. He's a funny guy.
  9. Carmelo and Iverson didn't work out so I don't see how Wade and Iverson would.
  10. I just wish I could go somewhere outside of the United States. Don't really care where.
  11. This is cute. I don't understand why it's such a big deal. It happens. I mean Yao's been dunked on before and he's still living...
  12. Have a good time man. I wish I could go with you.
  13. I'm about to go to Dick's Sporting Goods to look for some basketball shorts and maybe some new shoes.
  14. Blue Jays general manager J.P. Ricciardi says they're open for offers for him. You guys think he'll actually be moved? If so, where? The one team that he could possible be moved to could be the Phillies since they have been looking for a starting pitcher since the season started.
  15. I'm sure most of you have seen it numerous times on ESPN. What'd you think of it? Personally, I thought the umpire was joking around. That was one of the worst call I have seen in a while.
  16. Just had: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_KEewYvOiRpo/SSJJKd15fLI/AAAAAAAAHMg/REEw-dMm5qE/s400/PopTart-BrownSugarCinnamon.jpg
  17. I think it's cool that athletes tweet during games.
  18. Yeah, there is a way I know. Not sure exactly how though.
  19. I did a long long time ago when I played it. Haven't touched it in years.
  20. Oh man. I got my license once I turned 16. I didn't wait around like most of my friends did.
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