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Posts posted by TheNotoriousBANG

  1. Haha, you are severely overrating the picks that they got in the deal.


    You're telling me that you think those picks aren't garbage?


    no i like those picks better

    this format is better, their personal picks will be the lottery


    and the picks from this draft though late late first round like picks 25 plus are perfect to find role players


    you can't build a team just from top picks


    you need picks 25-30 plus 2nd round picks to get quality role players and build a quality deep team. aka spurs and ginobili, dejaun blair etc


    this is better than giving brook lopez the max money and being stuck in CAP hell

  2. You're living in a fantasy world. It takes a ridiculous amount of luck, excellent scouts, and an elite GM to follow the OKC or SA model.


    Tanking is easier said than done. The team will lose a ridiculous amount of revenue, the fans will turn their back on the team, and there is no guarantee that the team will actually get better.


    You might get lucky and turn into an elite team like OKC but more than likely the Magic will end up like the Bobcats, Kings, Bucks, etc.


    The Magic would end up like them regardless and if they aquired Bynum or any big name player they would have complained or bolted.

    If they clared cap space in 2013 why bother? the top free agents chris paul or dwight would not sign with them or bynum for that matter


    about 3 years of solid tanking, and get lucky on 2-3 picks and your in

    they don't play in a big city so it's not like they have a great fanbase to begin with and after they start winning people will come back in bunches


    plus harkless, vujacic, affalo and the 3 1st round picks will go great with Andrew Wiggins and the top 5-10 picks of the next 2 years after.


    Get solid role players and tank >>> get great value who would bolt out

  3. And what if they tank and still don't get great picks in the lottery?.....


    gotto take chances in this league

    getting mediocre talent and winning 30 games will just add to the rebuild times


    suck for 2 years and clear cap room to go along with 2 top 5 picks then BOOOOOOMMMMM

    your right back on top of things

  4. What if LeBron James went to college?


    Duke most likely would have another national title, he would have pulled a Melo, win one freshman year and bounce

    no impact on his game what so ever, as he was already a beast as a rookie


    What if LeBron never picked up a basketball and instead was focused on being a NFL player?

  5. Great move if they got talent back it would screw with their chances of winning the lottery


    Magic made the call to go on tanking mode for 2 seasons


    Ya'll can laugh all you want but when they get Andrew Wiggins and some other beast

    they'll be the ones laughing


    In this league you gotto crawl before you Ball

  6. There still wouldn't be any women in the NBA


    What if the NBA had the full 82 game season? (would the playoffs, finals, standings, etc. be different?)


    the bobcats would have had more wins, the heat would have still won but OKC would have the best record


    What if Michael Jordan was found guilty of betting on games like Pete Rose while he was playing?

  7. http://s1-02.twitpicproxy.com/photos/large/633216458.gif


    Per Adrian Woj twitter

    I asked Nicolas Batum why he hit Juan-Carlos Navarro in the groin. "I wanted to give him a good reason to flop," Batum said.


    Told Batum some won't think groin shot is in Olympic spirit. Batum: "Do you think if you lost a game on purpose, that's the Olympic spirit?"


    Batum said he believes that Spain tanked final preliminary game against Brazil to face France in quarterfinals.

  8. I honestly don't know what to expect of that game. It may be a blow out for the US, a very close win for the US or a win for Argentina... Really don't have a clue.


    Of course the most logical outcome would be a huge win by the US, no other team comes close to them in terms of pure talent.. But after the last game, and what happened during the last decade, I can't say that I would be surprised if Team USA lost that one. Just like most people I suppose..


    We can now assert it : even if they've now taken the international games more seriously, even if they now have a solid preparation for the Olympics and the World Cup, even if they've now showed more respect towards the international teams and players, American players just don't know how to deal with the zone defense. The real one.


    Yes I am perfectly aware that the zone defense is now allowed in the NBA but it is important to know that this zone is not a REAL zone defense. Because in a real zone defense, the one they use in FIBA games, every player is allowed to stay in the paint for as long as they want, no matter how far away a player stands from their direct opponent. The five defenders can all remain in the paint at the same time, for as long as they want. Which makes scoring in the paint really hard, and basically force the opponents to shoot from long distance.


    And that is why I was strongly opposed to the introduction of the zone in the NBA the first time I heard about it. Fortunately they decided to change it a bit (as we all know) and in reality this introduction of the zone was only a good excuse to get rid of the "illegal defense" that no one seemed to know when and why they were called, it even seemed sometimes that the refs called it randomly... And so the zone D didn't have a big impact on the NBA games, definitely not as much as some people might think it had.. If the real zone had been introduced it would have had a HUGE impact, and a very bad one if you want my opinion, cause I've never been a fan of this defense, it's because of it that there is not enough variety offensively in the FIBA game, and that international players tend to shoot too much from long distance. Which is why I would love it if they used the NBA rules everywhere in the world (at the exception of the basket interference maybe, the only FIBA rule I would like to see in the NBA).


    But anyhow the fact is that, because of that, American players still ain't comfortable with real zone defenses. We saw that in the last game, when when all they did was to penetrate and pass the ball to a wing player for a three pointer.. and most of the time a missed three pointer. That's what they did the whole game long : iso and long range shots. Personally I just couldn't believe that they didn't try something else. That was just ludicrous.


    There's something very important to understand : you can't use isos in the FIBA games. You HAVE to PASS the ball. All the time. Well you can use isos, but only once in while. And Team USA has a lot of problems with that. Why ? Because they're all superstars, NBA superstars that are used to use a lot of isos. And have troubles to get use to play differently. Now there were only superstars in the Dream Team too, it didn't keep them away to play a perfect basketball. But the fact is that players back then were way smarter, they had a much bigger basketball IQ and they all mastered the fundamentals of basketball. They didn't need to have a heavy preparation to get used to the FIBA rules, they figured them out almost rightaway. And that's where we see the difference between basketball at the time and today's basketball. Now it is true that the international basketball has improved all over the world too, but definitely not as much as most people think.. And teams like Croatia, who the Dream Team destroyed in the Olympic Finals, were much better than most of the 2012 Olympic tournament.


    Also I think that there are too many superstars in Team USA. USA basketball staff seems to be totally obsessed with superstars. Personally I've been saying it for years, I've been saying that Team USA need to have role players in their teams. I think they should get 3 or 4 superstars (maybe 5 but no more) and fill the rest with role players. They don't have any 3 points specialist for example. How can you play a FIBA tournament without any three point pure shooters ?? Sure Durant, Love, Anthony are very good shooters but I wouldn't call them 3 points specialists at the same time. I think they would need a specialist like Novak, Korver or Ray, someone who gets on the court ONLY to shoot from behind the ark and can get on fire any moment. This kind of players would be terrific in the FIBA game.


    USA basketball staff seems to be so obsessed with stars that they prefer to pick a superstar wing player than a average center to replace stars like Bosh and Howard. And so they now have only Chandler and Love inside, two very good inside players but one is only a defender while the other spends too much time behind the ark on the offensive end. No back to the basket player. And their only other inside player is a rookie that they don't even use.. Total nonsense. Why couldn't they pick a DeMarcus Cousins, a Greg Monroe or a Paul Millsap, a talented inside player who brings size, rebounds and can score. That's much better than using Melo inside.


    Well anyway I think that tonight's game's gonna bring a lot of answers. It's gonna be very interesting to see how Team USA reacts to what happened in the last game. I said before that it could have a positive impact, as it reminds them that they need to play their best every game to get that gold medal, but it could also have a negative impact. As now they know that they can lose, it can trouble them and actually make them lose.. We're now see what these players really got, and how tough they are inside their heads.


    And no matter what they're now gonna have to change their games and PASS the DAM BALL ! Passing the ball is very important with FIBA, they have to understand that. Especially that LeBron won't be able to save them like he did in the last game every time. Team USA was actually lucky that Lithuania didn't have great players inside, cause I am personally sure that LeBron wouldn't have scored that easily in the paint against Spain and the Gasol brothers and Ibaka. Iso on LeBron wouldn't have saved them against Spain.


    Well there's at least one thing for sure : Argentina is a good team but they definitely are not as good as they were the last decade and Team USA SHOULD win that one by AT LEAST 20. But honestly I will be happy if Team USA wins that one, no matter if it's a blowout or a close one.


    No one wants to watch role players,

    this is the olympics send out the best. Did Dream Team have any role players???



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