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*Swish* last won the day on October 14 2011

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About *Swish*

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    Kobe, Demar, Bosh, Bargnani
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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwzwyJrhNHI
  2. You know what I hate? That you guys talk to me like I have no life. Unfortunately, I have been going through lots of bad shit these past months
  3. I hate people who argue but are totally ignorant about what they're saying
  4. What the hell? I didn't click on the link or read because I know about it and if it's written that the Rabi sucks the baby's penis, it's not EVEN true! WTTFFFFF Proves you shouldn't believe everything that's on the internet.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob3ktDxAjWI
  6. God give us back Tupac, we'll give you fkn Bieber I hate how people trip about Bieber... I mean come on listen to real music
  7. Muslims do it also... I know it's a bit disgusting but there is nothing wrong with this trust me. I did it also... and you do it when you're like 7-8 days... it's like a promise to God or something...
  8. https://twitter.com/#!/SachaMelki @SachaMelki My girl begged me and I felt bad so I did.. I heard it's cool to have followers :glasses: Follow me
  9. I will if I have the chance to guys;. Why would I lie lmao... I coach small kids on how to shoot what's your problem..
  10. Now that's the first good post with Real Deal's in this thread. You guys disrespect me for no reason. I love basketball more than anything... only started playing it 2-3 years ago and now I work extremely hard on every aspect of the game.
  11. Alright thanks... yeah. Especially on my three pointer... my three pointer is a faster release... I kind of just throw it with the same release but there is 0 follow through
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