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Parker & Cavs Agree on Deal

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CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The Cavaliers are on the verge of making their first free agent signing of the summer.


According to a league source, the team has agreed to the structure of a contract with veteran guard Anthony Parker. The deal is not finalized, but is expected to be completed in the next several days.


Parker, 34, played for the Toronto Raptors for the last three seasons after starring in Europe. The 6-6 wing averaged 10.7 points, 4.0 rebounds and 3.4 assists per game while shooting 43 percent from the floor and 39 percent from 3-point range.



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I'm so happy right now. I wanted this guy from the start.


What an offseason.


We get Shaq, Danny Green, Anthony Parker, and Verajao, Hickson ,and Jackson will improve next year as well.

Do you think Green will get any minutes? I'm hoping he does, he was one of my favorites from UNC.


Good signing for the Cavs. Parker is a good defender and can shoot.

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I posted this on NBAD and it was in response to somebody saying that this move shouldn't have much of an impact because Parker is not an impact player and it fits here (because I discuss what I think that Parker will bring to the table for the Cavs) so I am going to copy it here:


The Cavs aren't looking for an impact player because they have guys like LeBron James and Shaquille O'Neal on the roster (and to a lesser extent Mo Williams). What they are trying to do now is fill in the missing pieces and make the necessary adjustments that are needed to rectify their roster and signing a player like Anthony Parker is one of those valuable, under the redar moves that Championship caliber teams need to make in order to continue to move forward.


Parker could prove to be a very valuable asset to the Cavs. He is a capable defensive player, and although his lateral quicks have started to go due to age, he is still a very smart defensive player that will give it his all on the defensive end of the floor. One of the Cavs problems against the Magic is that the Magic's perimeter players were too big and they took advantage of their size and strength advantages over guys like Delonte West and Mo Williams. Having Parker gives them a wing player with good size (6'6 and around 210-220 pounds) who won't get bullied around by the bigger players like West and Williams would.


On offense, Parker is a great compliment to players like LeBron James and Shaquille O'Neal. These two will constantly be drawing double teams and having a shooter like Parker on the floor will make them pay for giving him open looks. He won't be asked to create his own shot (which he is capable of doing at times, but not consistently) and will be used in a spot up shooter role, which fits his skill set perfectly. It just gives the Cavs another shooter to space the floor and give Shaq and Bron more room to operate. Parker is also a reliable late game performer and can come through in pressure situations, which is a huge asset to have considering how much attention James will have. Parker can fade to the corner and get some pretty good looks in late game situations and Parker can definitely make those shots count.


The last thing that I think will prove to be very helpful to the Cavs is something that Parker showed last season when the Raptors were hit with injuries and that is that Parker is able to run the point and run it fairly effectively. Having that kind of versatility where you can play 3 positions (2 really well and small forward fairly effectively) is huge to have off of the bench and can prove to be very valuable.


Like you said, it is not a huge move, but it is not the big moves that make Championship teams. Anybody can realize that going out and signing a superstar player for the right price or making a trade like the Lakers did for Gasol is going to have a huge impact, but it is the little moves that fill the holes in your roster that wins Championships. Take the Spurs for example, they have been heavy contenders for the last 10 seasons and the reason for that is because R.C. Buford makes all of the right little moves to keep them team going in the right direction. This is the same kind of move for the Cavs.


Anyone think he'll start over Delonte?


I don't think so, but it really comes down to whether or not the Cavs want a bigger player for defensive purposes, or better ball handler on the offensive end of the floor. If they want more size defensively then they will go with Parker but if they want to have another ball handler on the floor then they will probably go with West (although Parker is capable of handling the rock he is not as good as Delonte is).

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