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Kenny Smith said what......


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I've been saying this since last year. This kid is going to be a superstar and better than LBJ. His defense on Kobe in the 4th is more impressive than any D I've ever seen Bron play.

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His jumpers so good and hes a really good slasher. Best scorer? Definitely. Hes not that great a playmaker though, Lebron finds open guys and passes so well. But if your a rebounding stat guy Durant and Lebron are pretty equal.

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It'll be between Durant and LeBron, for sure. James still needs a post game and good on-ball defense, while Durant has to play consistent defense, get stronger, and be a better playmaker. I think guys like Wade and Melo don't have much more room to improve their games, compared to Durant, and LeBron is already beasting.

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Nah, I think you forgot about how KD is the youngest player to ever win the scoring title.




EDIT: Let me explain why, LBJ averaged more points in his 3rd year, and was also a year younger than Durant is now. Kobe averaged 36 a game that year and should have been MVP, anyways, LBJ was a year younger and averaged more points than Durant. So that point is completely and totally irrelevant. 'League Leader' doesn't mean anything when comparing different stages of careers. LBJ was better his 3rd year than Durant.

Edited by travesy3
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Until Durant can run the point and dominate without scoring then he shouldn't even be mentioned with LeBron. He might already be the best scorer in the NBA but I don't ever see him being the best player as long as LeBron is healthy.


Smith is dumb to say this, did he even back up why he believes this? Lol...

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21 one years old, God damn. Imagine if he was still at Texas. :lol:


This guy is going to be one hell of a player. Like Brandon said, Durant still needs to work on his playmaking abilities. If he becomes a better passer and learns how to make his teammates better, he will for sure contend with James as the best player in the league for years to come.

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It'll be LeBron, and I don't think it'll be close. Durant is playing more of a Reggie Miller type game right now on offense. Running off screens and trying to get open. As far as running the team's offense, he isn't there yet. LBJ can and does do everything. And he'll do it at a more efficient rate in 3 years. He'll still only be 28.

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EDIT: Let me explain why, LBJ averaged more points in his 3rd year, and was also a year younger than Durant is now. Kobe averaged 36 a game that year and should have been MVP, anyways, LBJ was a year younger and averaged more points than Durant. So that point is completely and totally irrelevant. 'League Leader' doesn't mean anything when comparing different stages of careers. LBJ was better his 3rd year than Durant.

Irrelevant? That KD is averaging more points in his third year than LeBron in his 7th year? And don't bring up the whole "he doesn't care about scoring" or "he passes more when he could be scoring more". Durant only averages 0.2 more shots attempted per game than LeBron. And do I need to remind you that Durant is 21 years old and is far from his peak, and is already scoring at the same efficiency as LeBron who is 4 years older?


How about I even out the playing field a bit more, since LeBron does have that 4 year advantage, which actually doesn't seem to have given him in any kind of advantage scoring-wise. In LeBron's third year, he averaged 31.4 points per game in 23.1 shots attempted per game, and had a true shooting percentage of 56.8%. Durant, who is in his third year, averages 30.1 points per game in 20.3 shots attempted per game, with a true shooting percentage of 60.7%. Okay fine, LeBron averaged more points per game in his third year, but Durant scored much more efficiently, and averaged only 1.3 less points per game when LeBron was taking almost 3 more shots per game.



So, again, how is his scoring title so "irrelevant"?

Edited by Poe
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