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What organization would you donate to?

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Lets say you are a multi millionaire and you would like to give a lot of money to an organization what would it be.



Id say


American Atheists

PETA (yes they are crazy but they give people who abuse animals longer sentences, spy on companies and places that test on animals and abuse them and give animals safety.)

WWF (to help endangered species like Polar bears, pandas, etc.)

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It doesn't surprise me that you probably made this thread so you could post something about being Atheist.


I thought the same thing when I saw the OP lol.


Uhh I'd give to the Make-A-Wish foundation and to the American Cancer Society.

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Also PETA is a joke organization with a major agenda.


The fact that Mike Vick did more time that some real criminals that harm people disgusts me.


Uh what? Mike Vick fought dogs, had a lot of dead dogs on his property. At least the people that harm people dont kill them, this guy killed lots of dogs, he should have been in jail way longer.


PETA takes things overboard yes but animal abuse is one of the worst things on this Earth.

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Actually Vick never killed one dog.


So he tortured them. He was innocent after all?


What he did to those dogs is disgusting. I could care less who he is. He's trash. He got into off the field issues before being caught and got away with them.


Imo...Vick got off easy. I could care less what Stallworth got. Vick turned innocent mindless dogs into killer animals. The dogs could've been family pets, and instead they died with no legacy to a family that could've bred them and that dog just rots to the ground because Michael Vick and his gangsta friends do whatever they want to it.

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PETA doesn't deserve anything either(along with World Wild Life Foundation). Both have damn agendas


The WWF is successfully finding ways to breed pandas and making breeding centers for them, if it wasnt for the WWF, Pandas would really be extinct by now, they were already dying out and there were 1000 left, then WWF came in and now there are around 3000 and rising. They are doing a good thing, they may have an agenda yes, but if you are succesfully sparing wildlife, you deserve money.

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Actually Vick never killed one dog.


Well he didnt exactly kill them or stab them but he did starve some animals, used them as fighting dogs, putting 2 dogs that attack eachother in a cage is killing them basically, they just wait until 1 animal is dead, that is killing dogs. Dog fighters also use small animals like lost poodles and kittens to put in the cage with the dog so that the "dog" can practice on the small animals. I hope you get put in a cage with a lion and see if the person who put you in there commited murder or not.

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Well he didnt exactly kill them or stab them but he did starve some animals, used them as fighting dogs, putting 2 dogs that attack eachother in a cage is killing them basically, they just wait until 1 animal is dead, that is killing dogs. Dog fighters also use small animals like lost poodles and kittens to put in the cage with the dog so that the "dog" can practice on the small animals. I hope you get put in a cage with a lion and see if the person who put you in there commited murder or not.


Exactly. +1 rep

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They are a bunch of hypocrites, and this video is hilarious:





There's three parts to the video.



I'm not donating to [expletive]ing terrorists and people that a hypocrites.



BTW, PETA KILLED 95% of the animals they took in last year.



Also, here's the first video that popped up when I typed in something about PETA killing animals, and the [expletive] admits it.




Edited by EastCoastNiner
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