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Whats the point of life?


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Like idk, sometimes i just sit back and ponder on life. Whats the point of it, it goes by so quick. Before you know it you will be married/have kids, be at your parents funeral, grow into an old man yourself, then pass away. And besides maybe a few close friends and your family members, no one will remember you 5-10 years after your death unless you made a big hand print in the world. Do you know much of anything of your great great great grandpa/grandma? Like you look around you, you see people starving, wars, fighting over differences/religions/politics/different opinions, if your not with me you're against me attitude, just everything seems so stupid/barbaric. Like whats the point of it all? And no im not emo/depressed, just ponder about it at times.

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I never really have this question... have I wondered it? Yes. But I do know some people have this in their lives it actually affects them in a negative way... like my brother used to ask me this question.


I think the point of life is to be happy... and if "you're not happy", then you just gotta find the happiness. One way to find happiness is to accomplish the goals (short/ long term goals) you set in your life... whether it's financial goals, or social goals... etc. As long as they make you happy. Your happiness should not come at the expense of anyone else, of course. Life is to be enjoyed, not to be worried about. Enjoy it but do not put yourself and/ or other people in harm's way in your bid for it.

Edited by Snake
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No one knows the point. You are alive though so your point is to survive and make the best of the time you have. Who knows what happens when you die, so make the most of the time you know you have.

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The point is to enjoy your life. Some people say enjoying life is selfish and "we have to be totally selfless and think about other people", but it's BS, we don't live for other people... even our own children... if in the end you're not happy, there's no point of living your life for other people. And other people who "you supposedly live for" and care a lot about won't enjoy your presence if you're unhappy.


The key to enjoying your life is knowing what you want... and to know what you want, you must be a little selfish.


By being a little selfish you'll come to know what you want. There are some people who are highly educated but when they grow up, they don't know what they want, even for a simple task, e.g. they can't choose the color of their couch for their own home when shopping and ask for someone else's opinion... They don't know what they really want/ want to do, become indecisive, etc. It's sad if it comes to that.



"Being a little selfish" is also known to effectively cure laziness/ procrastination (those who have procrastination problems can try it), and it's healthy for one's ego (life force).


Put emphasis on "a little" though, because you don't want to become legitimately selfish either. You don't want the ego to inflate too much either.



To me, that's the point of life is... is to be happy, through accomplishing your goals, through knowing what you want in life, through being a little selfish... while not being consumed by your obsession of your own self. But other people may have other interpretation of meaning of life.

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The point is to find happiness. Whether that means you're rich or poor. Your life is yours to create. For me, happiness is sharing experiences with family and friends. Companionship, I think that's the bottom line for what makes everyone happy. Also, creative expression.

Edited by Riot
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For people who believe in religion, I believe that because Eve took an apple from the tree of knowledge, this is a question that we've been able to come up with and ponder upon.


Do I know what the point of all this is really? No. Do I question about it at times and get a weird feeling? Yes.


But here is the answer for all of us living on Earth. Life is viewed how we each think it is. We are all different. That's what's so great. In that way, we can all see new views of life we may never have thought of. For example, I enjoyed reading some of your guys answers.


Some may think life is to be happy, leave an impact, save the world, become rich.


As each of us grow as human beings, that thought dynamically changes and as we mature, the core of our beliefs begins to shape more and more. It becomes more and more clear what you think life is.


My grandpa, who is over 80, always tells me that every day is a blessing. As he has grown, he realizes the importance of life. Essentially, the blessing of all aspects of life is the point of life for him. At least that's how I interpret it.


For me, I'm just beginning to enter that frame of mind where I am educated enough to think about it. Again, the tree of knowledge helps us ponder such things.


To me, as of now, I believe that the point of life is to interact with living beings, be them human or animal, bond with those close to you, and learn about the world, ranging from space to the inner workings of society. Using all of that information, you can create your own view of what life is. The point is, at least to me, make the most of what you have, realize and appreciate the importance of everything, and enjoy the process of learning and developing with all aspects of society. Because if you spend your whole life thinking about it and not enjoying it, you will regret it in my opinion. As you grow, there are new beings, and older beings pass away. Enjoy every moment and realize that time is relative. Don't spend life planning your death or celebrating your life when you are in your prime and can grasp it right now. Leave the celebrating for when that's all you can do. Until then, live life out and continue to develop.


Who knows. When we pass, we may or may not find the meaning. When we pass, we could just disappear, not even know anything and our soul may be gone. But when I think those things, I think, well, if that's true, then I better enjoy this life and let the next life come when it does and not spoil it.


I used the words "in my opinion" or "to me" because it's vague. There is no supreme human being to answer this. Only 6 billion people to voice their opinions.


But I do wonder. I wonder sometimes why babies die within a day of their birth, and it had nothing to do with an unhealthy mother/father. It's a specific case I know of in my family and I go back to it when I start thinking about how we all have control.

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I think most people can't push themselves to be a little selfish because there's a "guilt" feeling... one way to erase this is to start being generous.


Financially, you can start being generous by putting aside 5-10% of your income (earned/ portfolio/ passive) for charity. That means you cannot touch it for anything other than charity/ tithing purposes. You can choose whom (person/ charity foundation) you can be generous to.


You can also be generous in other forms other than monetary. If you're happy, you can share that happiness with other people who are not happy... that's a form of generosity. If there's anyone who needs help, being helpful is a form of generosity. Sharing what you know and experience to others who need them is also being generous. Being nice and friendly and give smiles to other people are also being generous.



Being generous gets rid of 7 major negative emotions (hatred, anger, fear, revenge, superstition, jealousy, and greed)... also eliminating guilt (from fear) and feeling of being inadequate that hold a person back to be successful.



Every successful person is successful because they believe in generosity. If you're not generous and don't plan to be, you will NEVER EVER be successful financially or in attaining your goals. That's why we see a lot of millionaires and billionaires give their money away to charities... so it's not just marketing/ PR tools. They've come to learn generosity is crucial to keeping their money and success. It's possible for ungenerous people to strike instant wealth, through lotteries or inheritance, but they won't retain their riches for long. All successful people are happy not because of their success... but on the other hand, they're successful because they're happy. You can only be happy after you eliminate your negative emotions and being generous is one VERY effective way of doing this.



Start being generous today... if your income is $2000 a month, that means you have $200 (10%) or $100 (5%) every month to give away for charities/ tithing (10% is the recommended amount). Start by giving $1 and that mere amount could change your life. If you do have $200 to give away every month, start giving a $5, $10 or $20 note to a homeless man, the exchange you get in return (the happiness of the homeless guy), more importantly what you do for yourself by being generous is priceless. If being generous is a little selfish because you just want what you get in return at the end, then just do it, it's still 110% better than being selfish by being truly selfish.

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For people who believe in religion, I believe that because Eve took an apple from the tree of knowledge, this is a question that we've been able to come up with and ponder upon.


Do I know what the point of all this is really? No. Do I question about it at times and get a weird feeling? Yes.


But here is the answer for all of us living on Earth. Life is viewed how we each think it is. We are all different. That's what's so great. In that way, we can all see new views of life we may never have thought of. For example, I enjoyed reading some of your guys answers.


Some may think life is to be happy, leave an impact, save the world, become rich.


As each of us grow as human beings, that thought dynamically changes and as we mature, the core of our beliefs begins to shape more and more. It becomes more and more clear what you think life is.


My grandpa, who is over 80, always tells me that every day is a blessing. As he has grown, he realizes the importance of life. Essentially, the blessing of all aspects of life is the point of life for him. At least that's how I interpret it.


For me, I'm just beginning to enter that frame of mind where I am educated enough to think about it. Again, the tree of knowledge helps us ponder such things.


To me, as of now, I believe that the point of life is to interact with living beings, be them human or animal, bond with those close to you, and learn about the world, ranging from space to the inner workings of society. Using all of that information, you can create your own view of what life is. The point is, at least to me, make the most of what you have, realize and appreciate the importance of everything, and enjoy the process of learning and developing with all aspects of society. Because if you spend your whole life thinking about it and not enjoying it, you will regret it in my opinion. As you grow, there are new beings, and older beings pass away. Enjoy every moment and realize that time is relative. Don't spend life planning your death or celebrating your life when you are in your prime and can grasp it right now. Leave the celebrating for when that's all you can do. Until then, live life out and continue to develop.


Who knows. When we pass, we may or may not find the meaning. When we pass, we could just disappear, not even know anything and our soul may be gone. But when I think those things, I think, well, if that's true, then I better enjoy this life and let the next life come when it does and not spoil it.


I used the words "in my opinion" or "to me" because it's vague. There is no supreme human being to answer this. Only 6 billion people to voice their opinions.


But I do wonder. I wonder sometimes why babies die within a day of their birth, and it had nothing to do with an unhealthy mother/father. It's a specific case I know of in my family and I go back to it when I start thinking about how we all have control.


I agree... enjoy life.


This is just my opinion, not an answer or anything, but I think babies that die give purpose to their parents/ families affected in how they deal with the tragedy. What don't kill you makes you stronger. The babies don't have purpose for their own other than give purpose to their parents/ affected families.

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I know what you mean. Giving 5-10% of your earnings is a LOTTTT of money.


If you earn 25000 a year, (just an example) and you give 10% of your earnings, thats 2500$, thats like giving 5 HDTVs away every year.




I'm not singling out you or Yugo but that is the majority of people feel when they're not generous.


I used to be exactly that way.


If you continue to be that way, you will be clingy to your money, you will hide them from people, you will be sweating over the thought people who take it away from you, you're constantly worrying about losing it. When you get money, you cling to it and hide it. In other words, money is so precious to you you're putting it ABOVE you, you become a SLAVE to money just like the majority of people become... they spend their whole life fighting and working for money. When it should be the other way around: money is your slave, you're higher than money, money is your employee, working for you, you're above money.



I'm not religious/ christian by any means, but the bible says "THE LOVE of money is the root of all evil". People misuse this sentence as "money is the root of all evil"... thinking money IS the root of all evil. It's wrong. Money is NOT the root of all evil. It's THE LOVE of money that is the root of all evil, it's what makes people do bad things.



Just in case you're wondering, rich people do not love money (at least it is not their top priority)... instead what they truly love is the freedom they get from making a lot of money (rich people don't work for money, money works for them). In direct comparison, majority of people who work 9-5 for money, are looking for security (namely job security) and in exchange, they commit their time working and enslaving themselves for money. They (to some, for the rest of their lives) wake up everyday when they don't want to, when they don't feel like it, to go to work, just for... money. True, bills need to paid, but rich people also pay their bills and they don't give their freedom in order to do it.




Never be a slave to money, never worship money, otherwise you'll end up in the majority, working and enslaving yourself all your life for money (bills need to be paid). Remember, money is YOUR SLAVE>


We hear many rich people say, "money is not everything" thinking "well it's easy for you to say that because you got lots of money"... but truly rich people (even when they're not rich yet) think money is not everything. Money is just a "vehicle" that takes you from point A to point B (financially or in other endeavors).





But once you give away a part of what you have, a disciplined percentage of it, one thing I learn is you start to detach yourself from the emotions of money. That's what generosity can do to you. That's when you can start thinking about positioning yourself above money. If you forever worry about losing money, you will NEVER be above money, money will always be above you, and you'll be forever working for it... in exchange for your... freedom.

Edited by Snake
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