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LeBron is now in the gutter

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Just when you think less fingers could be pointed in his direction...


Over and over, Brown uprooted his offensive system to appease James only to have it never work. Brown praised James’ character publicly when he would’ve preferred to have been truthful about James’ narcissism. James defied Brown in public and private, disregarded his play calls to freelance his offense, and belittled him without consequence within the Cleveland Cavaliers.


Meticulous in his preparation, Spoelstra spoke with several past coaches, and league sources said a clear and unequivocal picture appeared on how to proceed: End the cycle of enabling with James and hold him accountable.

Even within a month of the season’s sideways 9-8 start, the NBA witnessed a predictable play out of the James-Maverick Carter playbook on Monday morning. They planted a story and exposed themselves again as jokers of the highest order. They care so little about anyone but themselves. Still, no one’s surprised that they’d stoop so low, so fast into this supposed historic 73-victory season and NBA Finals sweep of the Los Angeles Lakers. They want Spoelstra – and Pat Riley – to bend to them, to bow to the King the way everyone has before them.


Nevertheless, here’s what was surprising – even troubling – when the Heat talked on Monday before a victory over the Washington Wizards: In the blink of an eye, Dwyane Wade(notes) signed up with Team LeBron to scapegoat and sell out Spoelstra.


“I’m not going to say he’s ‘my guy,’ but he’s my coach,” Wade said.

Wade was one of the Team USA players who’d watch incredulously as James would throw a bowl of fries back at a renowned chef and bark, “They’re cold!” Or throw his sweaty practice jersey across the court and command a team administrator to go pick it up. Everyone wants James to grow out of it, but he’s never showed much of an inclination for self-examination and improvement. And he’s never surrounded himself with people who’d push him to do so.
The funniest part had to be how they leaked the idea that Eric Spoelstra was panicking now, behaving like he feared for his job. Truth be told, he’s been behaving in the opposite way. Spoelstra isn’t running from LeBron, but running at him.


Someone’s scared here, but it isn’t the coach.

Read more: http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=aw-lebronspoelstra112910



You could be sure that it wouldn't take long for Maverick Carter unnamed sources to lash back in LeBron James'(notes) defense, especially in the wake of the team's disappointing start, and the goofball BumpGate controversy.


In speaking with ESPN's Chris Broussard, Carter the source had this to say about Heat coach Erik Spoelstra's relationship with the team:


"He's jumping on them," one source said. "If anything, he's been too tough on them. Everybody knows LeBron is playful and likes to joke around, but Spoelstra told him in front of the whole team that he has to get more serious. The players couldn't believe it. They feel like Spoelstra's not letting them be themselves."


Carter The source went on to point out that Spoelstra singled James out during a recent shootaround, telling the Heat star that he couldn't "tell when you're serious."


Now, all this is being tossed out there to make Spoelstra look bad, as he struggles to right Miami's ship, but all this nonsense is doing is making Spoelstra look better. Of course James doesn't take these things as seriously as he should, not when he's setting up parties and appearances in clubs following road games, or taking whole possessions off to float around the perimeter. This sort of criticism, something he never got in Cleveland, is exactly what he needs.

Read the rest here: http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ball_dont_lie/post/Relationship-between-LeBron-and-coach-gets-chill?urn=nba-290079


It's not even the first day of December yet.


Miami better start winning, or this is going to blow up as quick as the Kobe-Shaq issue.

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I actually want Pat Riley to step in and coach. He'd make Lebron's life miserable. You think he would put up with this [expletive]? No way in hell. Lebron talks about having fun and acts like this is all a game because he's pretty much had everything handed to him in life due to his basketball talent. They babied him in Cleveland and gave him everything he wanted. Having somebody like Riley step in as the head coach would definitely give him a wakeup call. And knowing Lebron's ego, those two would not be able to exist.


"He's jumping on them," one source said. "If anything, he's been too tough on them. Everybody knows LeBron is playful and likes to joke around, but Spoelstra told him in front of the whole team that he has to get more serious. The players couldn't believe it. They feel like Spoelstra's not letting them be themselves."


LOL @ this if Pat Riley takes over :lol:

Edited by The Artesticle
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^ I agree with this. I hope Riley takes over, he is one of the few people in the Heat organization I halfway like. My love for LeBron is burning away and eating at me like a monkey "Everybody knows LeBron likes to have fun" There is a BIG difference between having fun and being a jack-[expletive].


If he wants Spo gone, he better be ready for Riley's wrath.


When and If this becomes a clash, who do you think will be gone first... Wade, Bron are Riley :lol:

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Riley def wouldn't put up with this [expletive], isn't he the one who said no to LeBron first when he wanted to stay in New Orleans an extra night and Riley said gtfo. No surprise LeBaby has never won a championship, he wants to be coddled and he wants things to go his way. Replace LeBron with Melo and that team if 14-3 at worst right now.

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Riley def wouldn't put up with this [expletive], isn't he the one who said no to LeBron first when he wanted to stay in New Orleans an extra night and Riley said gtfo. No surprise LeBaby has never won a championship, he wants to be coddled and he wants things to go his way. Replace LeBron with Melo and that team if 14-3 at worst right now.


i WISH melo was available instead of this guy


i been hatin on him for a year and a half, and he ends up on the heat..so damn awkward lol

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I :lol: @ Miami fans who think firing Spo and hiring Riley is the solution to everything. If anything it's only going to create more problems and destroy the team.

Riley's one of my favorite basketball guys, but he's done coaching. he's made this very clear on several occasions, but lots of people still think the resurrection will occur. they need to give Spo a fair shake. let him coach the remainder of the season, then reevaluate. Riley, meantime, will enjoy control of personnel and what not.

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Riley's one of my favorite basketball guys, but he's done coaching. he's made this very clear on several occasions, but lots of people still think the resurrection will occur. they need to give Spo a fair shake. let him coach the remainder of the season, then reevaluate. Riley, meantime, will enjoy control of personnel and what not.

I don't know, dude. Phil has retired a couple of times already in his coaching career.


Riles has a problem: if this team fails, he fails. I think that he steps in if he sees even a squeak of light at the end of the tunnel, because even though he's not coaching today, his basketball legacy will take a major blow for bringing together three all-stars, two of which are superstars, and watching them self-destruct without attempting to coach them.

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My question is this, if Riley really isn't considering returning, why doesn't he at least show support for Spo. Come out and make a press announcement that Spo isn't going anywhere and he has faith and Spo and Le[expletive] should man the [expletive] up.

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My question is this, if Riley really isn't considering returning, why doesn't he at least show support for Spo. Come out and make a press announcement that Spo isn't going anywhere and he has faith and Spo and Le[expletive] should man the [expletive] up.

he doesn't need a press conference for that; he can say it to them personally.

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Thing is I doubt this "coaching LeBron" is Spo's decision in the first place.


Coaching and preparation are handled by Spo.


But the franchise and personnel organization is handled by Riley through Arison's approval.



When a player is acting in his own interests that may not fall in line with the team's "organization", such as LeBron's diva acts on and off the court, Riley calls on Spo to fix it. In other words, it's not Spo's decision in the first place to


I have a feeling the players sense this... that the "real power" doesn't necessarily come from Spo, but from Riley. They want the man with the real power (Riley) to be there with them communicating directly with them, instead of through a puppet like, unfortunately in this case, Spo.


That's the only way the players can respect that power... and I think the players know it, and once the power is fully respected, that's when an organization can truly be formed. Otherwise it is just a fantasy.

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